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Im not sure if this counts as a testimony but I’ll share it anyway. I experienced the power of hope.

Throughout my elective period last year at the university teaching hospital in Zambia, I realized how much hope people need. The hope to believe there’s something/someone greater out there looking out for them.

So many things happen to people in this world that causes them to loose sight of good, and sometimes all a person needs to hear is that it’s gonna be okay even if the current situation says otherwise.

During my rotation in the  paediatric department, I worked in the ICU for a couple of weeks. one day a little girl was brought in, she was in a pretty bad condition and  needed emergent care. She had abscesses in the brain that needed to be drained ASAP! The sad thing though is that the time they had come to the hospital the condition had progressed to an advanced stage so she needed to be taken for surgery immediately. The doctors explained the protocols to the mother and told her the advantages and risks. Now, in my country when you mention surgery to the care giver, it means the patient is going to die (certain rumours go around in townships, it’s insane lol).

Upon hearing the word “ surgery”, the mother  begun to cry. she was so worried. It’s like in her mind her daughter had already died. She was so broken my heart went out to her. I tried to reassure her that things would be okay but still she continued to tear up. I felt a nudge in my heart to pray with her but I was like  “uhmm it’s okay I’ll pray for her in my heart” lol. I stood by the theatre reception for QUITE sometime just consoling her. Finally I gathered enough courage and I prayed with her. Afterwards, I could tell her countenance had changed, she seemed more at peace.

In that moment the Holy Spirit took over, I offered myself as a vessel and he took control. It may not be something huge but I believe that lady held on to hope, she held on to the fact that God was in that OR with her daughter.

Today, I’ll encourage you who are reading this, if the Holy Spirit telling you to do something no matter how small, whether it makes sense or not just do it, because we don’t know what people are going through on the inside and it may take just the slightest glimmer of hope to help them to keep holding on.  

God bless you...

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