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Wedding Preps IV

Choosing the maid of honor

I must confess, this was one of the easiest thing I had to do. Even easier that saying "I do" 😂.

Even before I had a man in my life. Even when I lost hope in relationships, marriage or anything of this kind, I always knew deep down in my heart that she was my maid of honor and I call her that.

How come,you ask? Thank you for asking ..😁

This person was my day 1 in university,literally.

We were roommates. She saw right through me. The hidden agendas I had.

Can I tell you a secret,  I had planned on being a waste in uni. Play around, sleep around, basically do anything I wasn't allowed to do while I was staying with my parents. However, this lady saw right through me and through her God captured me.

She pushed me closer to God,I was under her care. Am not saying she was or is perfect, far from it. Together we started the journey. We have had good times, amazing ,marvelous, fantastic times, we have also had times when we cried ,failed academically, physically and spiritually. We have been purged uprooted and planted ,tossed and turned.

We prayed and fasted together and for each other through it all. We prayed for our men even though we did not have a clue who it was. But most of all we brought HOPE to situations.

It's been 8 years since we met and our relationship has been like wine .

I am not saying it was just the two of us, like I said it takes a village.  I have other AMAZING friends/sisters who have come with me through this journey. #shoutout

Why am I saying all this..?

I didn't go for the prettiest lady I know, one with a heavy pocket, one with class/status  or one who was available in that moment. I choose someone that God gave me way before the wedding season. One I can count on and still be close to even after I got married.

Look, the sisters I adopted in Med school ain't going nowhere far from me.

The same should apply with your maid of honor. Ask yourself;

• Does she know the man you are getting married to on a personal level ? Does she have peace about it?

• Is she able to pray for you?

• Is she able to pump sense into you when you feel like the whole marriage idea is wrong? I got to feel like that as the months approached.

• Is she able to bring hope to any situation?

• Are you able to laugh together?

• Can you allow her to change or criticize your decision concerning the wedding?

• Are y'all able to stay in close contact after the day?

Status and being pretty is good. Also remember,  this is not only physical but spiritual.  If you don't have someone you are close to like this, ask God to send you one. It's never too late. He works wonders.

I do not regret choosing the maid of honor and my bridesmaids.. if I had another chance, I'd still choose them.

God bless you ❤

This post is dedicated to DR. JACQUELINE KASOKA. 

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