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wedding preps III

It's a big deal!!!

I have seen some or most brides choose someone to help them out prepare,run errands and organize logistics for their wedding..

That's good. That's real good.

That someone is commonly known as a matron.

By definition,  a matron is ;  [A married woman usually marked by dignified maturity or social distinction] ..

This is a good and deep definition.

Usually, the task of choosing a matron is left entirely to the bride to-be. However, if the two are becoming one, they need to practice decision making together!

Honestly,  our matron was not our first choice. She was our second 😅😅.. I noticed that people pick matrons according to the person's pocket size 🤑. I personally saw it working for other people so I thought I should try it. "It is the nation's job to  help us settle some bill's anyway." I thought. We needed alot of help financially,  why?you ask.. good question.  Stay close to the blog a d we shall tell you why.😉

It was one day when the Holy Spirit spoke to me. HE Asked me why I was considering someone when Ge had already given us a COVERING. It's more than just helping you with logistics,paying some of your bills and running errands.. it is something SPIRITUAL! A matron not only oversees you physically but spiritually also. They are planting a seed in you, investing in both your lives a d marriage. Whatever seed they plant is what will grow.

Wow! Imagine choosing someone who can slap you with some cash but cant pray for you and encourage you when you are in panic mode  because you are just not sure his/she is the "right" one.

She will help you look good and walk down the isle in style but doesn't believe you will last a year.

Lucky or rather BLESSED are we. We choose our accountability partners. We did not have just a matron, we had a patron too.

Patron; a person chosen, named, or honored as a special guardian, protector, or supporter

These people have been amazing!!

For us, it did not end on the day of the wedding. We are in their lives for life!!😈.

Our Bishop and mum warned us not to just use people and forget about them after they have pushed you to your beginning.

Those that are married, when was the last time you checked up on your matron?

It is a big deal to have a matron!! In fact, make her husband the patron too. When they are both involved, it makes it easier for the woman to run all those errands for you. Attend wedding Rehearsal, even if it ends at awkward hours because she will be with the husband at it.

Be wise! 

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