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go and make disciples

Matthew 28;
"go therefore and make disciples o all nations, baptizing them the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit "

The great commission.. 

"As you go, preach."

preach the word of GOD. Not only preach, teach and make disciples. 

It is clearly not enough to preach. The gospel of Christ Jesus is preach, His love that led Him to die for us. We did not earn it or deserve it.


However, it doesn't end there, the word of GOD needs to be taught. why? am glad you asked :) . we need to know the very nature of the one who created the heavens and the earth ,made us in his own imagine and the one who makes anything and everything possible. our one true God. how else can we know Him better than to read, know and teach the word. 

It's principle, learn,practice, teach.


A disciple is one who accepts and assist in spreading the doctrines of another. This right here was Jesus' command to the 11 who ministered with Him for 3 years.

we endeavor to make Jesus known , mot only known but followed, building a relationship with our Lord and savior.

Aspire to grow and have a functional relationship, to not only be a son/daughter positionally but functionally too.



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