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wedding preps

PART I - Find Accountability

Marriage is more than just a wedding day. The wedding day is the day that ushers you into real life with your partner.

It's a glorious day. Emotions felt (literally

tangible). The smiles on people's faces are priceless.  All these people gathered to witness and support you. Wow! You don't believe it's happening,  but guess what,it is happening.

My husband and I got married a few weeks ago.

All those wedding Rehearsals, wearing the white dress on the day, daddy walking me down the isle, saying "I do" and yet it hasn't really clicked  that am a whole wife . 😂

You know what, all this wouldn't have happened if we did not prepare..

One of the most helpful preps we did was; find  accountability partners (couple).

You see, going through something for the first time is not easy at all, you need someone/some people who have gone through it for guidance. 

An African proverb says "An older/ elderly person can see something ahead while sitted that you cant see while standing"

We decided while in our early stages of dating to be associated with a couple who has been married almost 10 years. (btw, they had their 10 year anniversary on the 10th of May,2020, which was also our wedding day.  WE WILL FOREVER CELEBRATE OUR ANNIVERSARY TOGETHER ♥️).

Honestly, I was abit sceptical about it (not the idea of an accountability partner but the idea of choosing them) because, I was new at that church and as an introvert, I did not easily warm up to people.  However, my then fiancee knew them more than I did and they were his first choice so, went with the flow.

Listen, you need a descent goodly couple you can ran to. Relationships are hard work. Being in one room is not the issue, the issue is sustaining it in a godly manner. Just like it takes a whole village to raise a child,its the same with relationships leading to marriage.

You need people who can pray with and for you. Sometimes, you get tired and weak, it's in those times when you need an Aaron and Hur (exodus 17 :12) to support you in prayer. You need support when friends and family are just not doing it for you. You need a fountain of advise,wisdom, rebuke too.

We have been learning alot about this couple especially by observation.  About prayer,family life, consistency, finances, humility, etc.. By the time we approached the wedding day, marriage did not seem as scary as it seemed to be.

It's not enough to be married, sustaining and staying godly married is the big deal..

Marriage is for destiny.

Find that couple and grow with them.. 

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