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I can do all things

I can do all things through [a]Christ who strengthens me.

I sat there in my bed thinking! I could feel the anxiety building up in me, my heart was pounding. Voices in my head got louder; “you cannot do this thing”. The voices persisted all through the day, it seemed like an illness, it got worse in the evening. I was restless, I couldn’t think straight. “is what I am doing right, is this worth it?”

There was a war in my head, my head was spinning and my heart racing. “why is particular day?” I asked myself. Then it hit me, the enemy was at it once again! What did I do to him, you ask? Haha. I am determined to destroy his kingdom, that’s why. However, for this day, id must back up a little.

My now fiancé and I decided to take a step in our relationship, a step I had never taken before. This I can say is one of the hugest stepped I have ever made. It was waaaaaay out of my comfort zone. So, anyway my now fiancé and I decided to get engaged traditionally. We had been dating for 9 months, we had and have been praying every step of the way and we decided that it was time to take this step. Just before I continue, in our culture, engagement involves meeting and being introduced to each other’s family, the man and his representatives making their intentions known, asking for my hand in marriage and them paying what is called insalamu (dowry).

stay focused on God not on the storm!

Let me just say this, the devil fights any threat to his kingdom, if he doe not fight you, you are not. He knows he can’t destroy you because its too late for that, the blood that was shed on the cross nullifies his distraction. All he can do is distract you.

Just before the weekend we would be engaged, we had a huge misunderstanding that led to miscommunication for the most part of that week. We couldn’t pray together. I mean this was supposed to be the most exciting week of our lives. But it wasn’t. instead, our hearts were full of hurt and anxiety. All I heard was a voice telling me to back out, it got louder every passing minute.

Receive the peace

It got worse a few days before the special event! The worry, I was weary, I wanted to quiet. The enemy knows that my fiancée and I are prayer bunker blasters that love the one who is LOVE, he knows that our marriage will be so divine that it would destroy his kingdom. He is doing anything in his power to stop us from going forward. But if Jesus has said it, no demon is hell will stand against it.

I put myself together, I told my friend what I was going through, he confirmed he was feeling the same to. We prayed; we were sorry to God that we let the enemy have his way for a little while. Our friends joined us in the time of intercession. It was beautiful. The peace that surpass all human understand overshadowed all the heaviness that was within us.

When the day came, the lord of the angel armies had gone before us. It was as smooth as ice-cream 😊.

I have gone through worse attacks than this, I have victories, I have failed, and I have succeeded, I have fallen and risen. Through all this, I am confident that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. My help comes from the Lord, if it wasn’t for Him who was always by my side, enemy would have made me miss every opportunity that was outlined for me. BUT GOD!

God bless you. You will be victories in all your endeavors

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