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"I do" really?

A quick note and inception (insight) on weddings. There's somewhat a series of questions lined up mainly to help us define clearly every step of the way as we look forward to settling down and starting families with our significant others. Let's not be quick to answer them just for the sake of providing answers, rather let this be your progress bar, sort of, something to look at as you set a bar for that desired life.

To begin with, are you looking forward to that wedding day as much as you're looking forward to that marriage?

Are you so much focused on seeing him in that suit and him seeing her in that wedding dress and walking down the aisle? Are you still gonna say that is the person you fell in love with when tough times come ,and begin facing all kinds of storms? Is organizing that dream wedding ceremony so important to you more than both your lives together after the event?

Remember, a wedding ceremony is an event whilst marriage is a lifetime commitment, in essence; it requires crucifying your flesh and dying to self everyday . You have to dedicate yourself to being a lifelong student of your partner if you intend to make it in marriage. So, before you rush into hosting and organizing a real big wedding ceremony for all to see, remember ,there's life after that event; your marriage begins the moment you come back to reality and leave the hype of the "in love" phase or better still, the "honey moon" season.

Presumably, let's not be so busy trying to accomplish the big and humongous things in life that we forget the little blessings life has to offer; for it is the small and little things that forms the larger, bigger and concrete ones.

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