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By Pastor Walker and Haley

Miracle life family church, Lusaka.


On Wednesday , we talked about the importance of knowing your identity and the myths of identity.

Questions to ask yourself before we continue;

§ Do I have to achieve more to feel good about myself?

§ Do I crave the approval of other?

§ Do I feel worthy of love?

§ Do I always look at my past?

Today, we will look at the title: YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU DO.

Can you define or describe yourself without using your achievements?

Most of us do not separate the person from the achievement. What you have achieved in life does not define who you are. As a person, you need to know that you are a child of God and are loved by Him. You do not need to work for God for Hi m to love you. You do not need to be a high achiever in you career to be a child of God, all you need to do is accept to be His child.

Not knowing this brings in a serious disease called IDENTITY CRISIS. Imagine if you lost all your achievements and all that you have worked for, will you still be content in life? Would God still be enough?

Signs and symptoms of identity crisis;

o If I could be successful at ----------, I could be seen as --------.

o Fear of failure. You get depressed when you fail even at small things.

o Avoiding challenges. You avoid doing things that will make you look with disappointment.

o Perfectionism

o React very defensively to criticism. You feel correction is an attack.

o Demand to me in control

o Have difficulties relaxing

o Living a rules’ dominating life.

o Justify mistakes

o Brag and tell other people when they have achieved something.

What was your diagnosis? If you have diagnosed yourself with identity crisis, you already taken a step to healing and recovery. This is all God needs, you to realise your state. All you need to do is surrender it all and allow Him to do what only He can do. Read the word and discover who you are in Christ.

Key verses

Romans 3:20

Romans 5:1-9

1 Corinthians 6:11

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