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worship essentials..

The life of a worshiper…..

· Is all about a life with God

· Is a life of humility. Humility should be constant. Always learning, submitting and pouring ourselves out at the feet of Jesus.

· Is not so much as being a leader of any kind but being one who is as serious with prayer as God is serious about answering them. {by the way, God is very serious about answering our prayers of only we offer them}. When you pray, you acknowledge that you are not your own by belong to someone who is higher than you, Jesus. You acknowledge that you are a child of God.

· Is realizing that God has not called you to be a worker but as His son/ daughter. It is from a heart of worship that as children of God are prompt to do the work of GOD, after all, ministry is about seeing GOD in yourself and seeing Him work through you.

· Is knowing that God is not looking for a worship leaders but leaders that worship.

Live a life of worship!

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