By Dr. Chola and Dr. Bempong
2 Corinthians 10:3-4
“Though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For our weapons of warfare are not flesh and bloods but have divine power to destroy strongholds…”
Every child of God is engaged in spiritual battle. Whether you are fighting passively or actively is for you to analyze. The most unfortunate thing however, is that we do not know how to engage in this particular battle. We are very good at engaging in battles with flesh and blood. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. But if you are honest with yourself, most times you lose!
Don’t get it twisted; God has already won the war therefore, we fight from victory. However, as long as we live here on earth with the prince of this world who is the devil, we need to actively fight battles. If this wasn’t true, Paul would not have written Ephesians 6:10 downwards. There are so many battles to be fought; poverty, economic depression, witchcraft, generation curses, rejection, broken marriages and families, bad attitudes, tendencies, sickness and disease etc. too many evil spirits are hovering on the face of the earth, but we are not ignorant of the devil’s devices.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood. So, clearly, that husband, boyfriend, almost fiancé but things couldn’t work out, co-worker, boss, are not the primary problem. Stop fighting them. It is tiring fighting a counterfeit enemy! We fight the spirit behind them, the spirit behind their attitude and behaviours that we just do not understand.
Ladies, everything is spiritual. The sooner we understand, the sooner we put on our armor and take our rightful place in battle. He has given us strategies and tools to use in battle. I know some are more challenging than the other but I am here to tell you to be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. He has given you the authority and power! Put on the full armor and fight the real enemy who is the devil. He has given us weapons of defence (Ephesians 6:14-17) and offense (Ephesians 6:18). Prayer is weapon of offense, use it.
Let’s talk about prayer for a minute. Pray is basically talking to God and Him speaking. Communication! Though it sounds simple, this communication changes things. Every relationship needs communication to survive and thrive, right? Most of us have not learned or recognised the power of being in constantly connect to Him. If there’s a man to pray, there’s a GOD to answer. God is not a dictator therefore, there is nothing he can do in your life unless you allow Him. How are you going to allow Him unless you talk to Him? Do you stagnant in a certain area? Or are you a facing a situation that seems to overpower you? Try talking to God about and see Him work in your life. We have habit of talking to everyone about everything. Everyone except God! How’s that going for you?
Imagine a gun loaded with bullets. By the way a gun without bullets is useless. You are the gun, the bullets are prayer, praying according to the word of God. Hebrews 4:12 is clear, “the way of God is living active, its sharper than double edged sword….”it is able to do marvellous things.
Child of God prayer us the greatest weapon of offense in battle. Pauls said “pray at all times in the Spirit, will ALL prayer and supplication…” Ephesians 6: 18. Jude 20 says the same. You don’t have to be perfect to pray! Purpose it in your heart, be vigilant and seal it with faith because faith is the visa we need in the kingdom of God.
Finally ladies, we cannot turn our back on the fight. There is no quitting. Notice God has given us everything to cover our front but not our back. This is because we are to fight till its over. The moment you quit and walk away from the battle, you will have no covering; the firry darts of the enemy will hit you.
Engage in spiritual warfare like your life depended on it, because it does!
God bless.