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Understanding GRACE

Key verses: Romans 1:21-32; Romans 7:31-39; 1 john 1: 9

{the first part is an extract from the book “ in the grip of grace” by Max Lucado}

“ once, there were 5 sons who lived with the father on a mountain castle. The eldest was the most obedient and the rest rebellious. Their father always warned them of the river but they did not listen. He always begged them to stay away lest there are swept away. However, each day, the four kids went closer and closer to the bank of the river until one day the current yanked them into the rapids and rolled them down the river. Their cries for help could not be heard neither could they find balance to counteract the current. The waters finally dumped them on a bank in a far away, strange and land where Savage people dwelt.

They disobeyed daddy, they knew they shouldn’t have. As time passed, they learnt to adapt in the land. They found food and warmth. They still kept their hope though. One day, one of the brothers got too comfortable and started to hang out with the savages. He did not want to remember home anymore, he thought the father had forgotten about them and would not forgive them. He started to learn new ways and lifestyles, he was making himself comfortable, he disregarded the father. he built a hut house!! New life had begun.

A few days later, the second son started to condemn and judge his brother for building a hut house. He monitored his brother, employed himself as a watch dog, pointed fingers at him and had a stuck up mentality. He thought he was better than his brother. He thought he brother was more guilty than he was because he built a house. Wow!!!

Not too long after that, the third brother was found stacking rocks. He decided that if the father was not going to come him, he would find a way to go to him. He realised that he had offended and disobeyed and he thought the only solution was to make a path back to him by working so hard. “when he sees how much I have worked and how diligent I have been, he will have no choice but to forgive me” he said.

The last and youngest brother did not know what to do so, he sat at the banks near the fire and waited for the elder brother and father to appear. Until one morning, he heard a familiar voice behind him, “daddy sent me to come for you all.” The eldest brother said. The youngest son was excited at the sound of that voice. The eldest brother inquired where the rest where, the little boy explain all that had happened. The big bro went out to search for the other siblings. Unfortunately, he did not get a good response from them. One choose to indulge, one to judge and the other . They all refused to go back home with him except the little brother.”



I released that I am the third son or in this case, daughter . the one who wants to work to be forgiven, the one who beats herself because she did one mistake. One who thinks this is too big a mistake to be forgiven, she feels she disappointed God too much to deserve forgiveness and mercy. Haha I was a whole mess until a few hours ago when told me “ child, you do not understand grace at all. Quite acting like a pharisee and live under grace.”

This really hit me. How would I have not realised this? I was acting like the pharisees , all about the law and working for God and not having a real and deep relationship with Him. I am going back to what He had intended it to be, to live in grace. I don’t deserve it, you do not either but He offers it anyway. You cannot fall beyond His love and grace, His grace is sufficient for you and I. Nothing we do or don’t do can separate us from the LOVE OF GOD THAT IS IN CHRIST JESUS.

If we confess our sins, 1 john says, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. When we sin, all we need to do is go back to Him, do not let the devil whisper lies to you. You can go back and ask for forgiveness and move on with Him. Ask Him to strengthen you so that you do not fall into the same sin. Go back to Him and enjoy GRACE.

God bless you.

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