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The Next Chapter

Mount Zion Christian Center - More House Preacher: Pastor Bruce Msidi Message: The Next Chapter Series: The Cross Movement

Scriptures: Acts 10: 9-16; Matthew 27:45-51; Genesis 1:1-3; Psalm 139:1-14

Don't let your season of darkness/ pain make you believe that there's no depth or greatness to you. Your dark period is only a face of your depth; there's more to you than meets the eye. Your season of darkness must not and cannot change what God says about you, for you are who God says you are. Even in darkness, God can still see you, and he won't leave you. What the enemy planned for evil, the Lord will turn for your good.

The darkness you are going through is simply a sign that God is about to begin the next chapter in your life. It may seem like you will never see the light of day but don't grow weary, it’s just a phase! Always remember that joy comes in the morning (read Psalm 30:5).

It is the things that God works in your life secretly, that shape you into who you are meant to be. Therefore, develop your secret place with God. Dwell in that secret place, and He will reveal more of Himself to you. For it is in that secret place and in those dark moments that God skilfully begins to “wrought” your destiny (read Psalm 91 and Psalm 139:15-16).

Whenever God is doing something in your life, three things begin to happen. He first shows up by speaking to you through His word. Secondly, He causes you to exercise your faith by helping you to see things that be not, as though they were you. Lastly, He teaches you to call your darkness by it's right name - don't call things/ situations by how you see them, call them by the Word of God (read Acts 10:9-16).

The answer to the problem that you are praying about is the Word of God. Before God can do anything, He first speaks to you. His works are produced by his words (read Psalm 107:19-20). If you cannot be in-tune with His voice, you cannot know the solution to your issues, because sometimes His word is encouragement enough to see you through your problems. Removing His Word from your life might cause you to miss what he wants to do in your life, because faith comes by hearing the Word of God. And this same Word also tells us that without faith, it is impossible to please God.

The word of God is not just good content, it is INFORMATION! "In-Formation" is what is coming into your spirit that is forming you from the inside out. There cannot be FORMATION without the correct IN-Filling of what will cause your FORMATION. INFORMATION inspired by the word of God guarantees TRANSFORMATION.

The change happening on the inside will eventually manifest on the outside. It is your inside that God begins to work on. If He can work on your inside and bring a positive change on the inside, it’s just a matter of time before it begins to reflect on the outside. And when God changes you, be a friend who loves others for who they are; but loves them enough to not let them remain in darkness.

In conclusion, God's Word is light; it covers the darkness. The entrance of His word brings light and understanding to the simple. It is, therefore, the answer to our dark phase (read Genesis 1:1-3). God's Word fills the void in our lives. Speak His word in every situation of your life, and watch as he leads you to the next chapter. #secretplace

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