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The most common song sang in churches, usually during worship is “withholding nothing” by pastor William McDowell. It is an amazing song isn’t it? With the lyrics that say;

I surrender all to you

Everything I give to you

Withholding nothing

Withholding nothing

I gave myself away so you can use me.

Did you know that these are the most easiest word to say but hardest to act upon?

“Talk is cheap.” A friend of mine always said. It does not take much effort to talk. For some it’s a hobby, they don’t mind doing it at any time. However, just like faith without works is dead, so is talk without action.

Do you remember when God told Abraham to surrender the only child he had, the child they had been waiting for, the one that took forever to come. Yeah, that one. Him and Sarah were both old when they had him. We could say he was a miracle child and a gift from God. ( genesis 22;2-3)

After a few years of enjoying him, God told Abraham to sacrifice him. To surrender him. Can you imagine this kind of thing happening to you? Let’s just take a moment and appreciate daddy Abraham! Because I know, most of us parents would not do that at all.

Abraham was a man of faith and he knew that Isaac was a promise child and a gift from God, because of this, he obeyed to surrender his son. This did not make it easy for Abraham but he was confident the provider, Jehovah Jireh would do it again.

Most of the time, we find ourselves in a place where we hold on to everything so, much such that they become an idle in our lives. We forget that everything is a gift from GOD and since it is a gift, He alone knows how to unwrap it an use it. So then , why are you holding on to it? Why are you stressed over your future endeavors, ministry, relationships, school, family, where you will settle, etc. you they are idles in your life if you continuous stress over them, always trying to work it out on your own, leaving you worried, drained and anxious.

Every good gift is from God and His are without repentance, they can not be evoked by anyone, including Himself. However, if they become an idle it becomes a problem because our God is a jealous God ( exodus 20:5). Abraham understood this, he knew this gift came from God, he understood that He alone knows how it should work. He had faith in Him, knowing that everything He did was for his good.

Today, I am learning to surrender all that He has given me. I am willing to take all I am and I have back to the alter as a sacrifice unto the Lord. I don’t want to worry about anything because nothing is in my hands, it all belongs to Him.

The thing with a sacrifice that you can easy remove it from the alter. Abraham would have done that. I prayer that we receive the strength to leave it there and not go back and monitor what God is doing.

Do not love the gift more than a giver

Let GOD be GOD!

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