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Submission continues...


Father said and the Son submitted

Heb 5:7 During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission.

This word submission falls hard on our heart and mind, this world teaches about submission to be a negative attitude. Brethren, let me shed some light, why it would offend us. It speaks volumes and measures of pride, in our heart and soul and our very being. Let us not be deceived with what the world, our upbringing, or our culture taught us all this while. A good reminder is Romans 12:2 that, if we tune into the patterns of the world, we will end up being part of this world. Brethren, lets strive to be Kingdom people, tuned to Him, His character. We are in this world to be the hands and feet of Jesus, we imitate Him, His character. Submission and Humility go hand in hand, and who other than Christ Himself, the epitome of submission. We submit out of obedience to the Word, to the God who resides in this unapproachable light (1 Tim 6:15-16)

Jesus as the Son of God:-

Jesus the very Word through Whom, the whole creation came into being, left His Divine nature and became one of His creation, and it did not stop there. He decided to willingly to offer Himself up as the Bread of Sacrifice to be broken for His own people, for their sins, to redeem the whole world, to purchase what was lost in the Garden of Eden.  Deep inside our heart, we know that, this is the perfect submission, there’s nothing beyond this. The Bible explains the close knit Love relationship between the Father, Son and the Spirit, and when the Son decides to take up the cross, can we as a human even perceive the depth in that sacrifice, the breach in that relationship for a moment when this Son, takes up the cup of wrath of this Holy GOD. All accounts to the submission to His Father, and his cries and pleading for His people who wanted to crucify Him.

Jesus as the Son of Man, and a Jew:-

 I mean I stand in awe of this God who worked with His Hands and submitted to the earthly authority given above Him, His earthly parents, helped His father, as a tekton, working with hands. Remember His response when He was asked about the taxes? What we owe to Caesar, belongs to Caesar. God has kept you amongst this place, for a reason. Submit to your bosses, teachers, parents, elders, authorities in the church and in grace walk uprightly. The government above us, the political rule in the land we are in, all are ordained by God. As Christians, though we may feel uncomfortable, let us submit and surrender because God in His Divine wisdom and Sovereignty,  has kept us under them, to pray for them, and to be loyal to the place where we work/study.

Brethren, we must burn out before we can give out. We cease to bless when we cease to bleed. The most illustrious characters of the Bible were bruised and threshed and ground into bread for the hungry. Abraham stood at the head of his class in affliction and obedience, hence he was called, “the father of faith”. Jacob went through severe threshing and grinding. Joseph went through a lot of struggle and had to go through Potiphar’s kitchen and Egypt’s prison to get to his throne. David was a shepherd boy, on the mountains, bruised and weary, ground into bread for a kingdom. Paul was under Caesar and all the stoning and the whipping and the attacks and the imprisonment, he turned out to be the fine flour for the royal family. (excerpt inspired from Mrs. Chars Cowman, Streams in the Desert)

Jesus as the Master/ Rabbi:-

His example of submission, did not stop with those elder to him, or in power. But it extends to His subordinates. (He really blew my mind with this). He ties up the cloak on his waist and stoops down to wash His disciple’s feet, even Judas Iscariot, who was to betray Him in a while. I mean, I can’t comprehend the huge heart of this God, we serve. I fail to understand, being God, how could  He do this for the disciples and now to us, His Bride. He still remains the epitome of Submission, Humility. There is no example bigger than Jesus.

I am not intending to put forth bullet points to submission; my attempt will be feeble because these tips don’t last long. But the knowledge of this Jesus, and His submissive heart, may it always encourage us to endure, and stay submissive. We take His name upon us; we are called ‘Christ’ian for a greater purpose.

Jesus as the Bridegroom, the Eternal Husband:-

Ephesians 5 talks about wives being submissive to the husband and husbands loving the wives. But just a verse before it quotes that, Submit to each other out of reverence for Christ. So even if you become a husband or a wife, submission is a command. (Eph 5:22). But to us women, the call is even deeper, as 1Pet 2:23 onwards if you carefully read and connect it to the succeeding verse, 1 Pet 3:1-6. Frankly, it’s a verse I do not find it very much attracted to, because deep within I know, it isn’t easy as a wife to read through it and live a life completely opposite. The apostle tries to instruct the women to submit as Sarah submitted and called Abraham, master/lord. That’s submission to husband in its truest sense. And also showcase a gentle and quiet spirit as our adorned jewels. Let me tell you, our call into God’s kingdom is deeper than what we understand. Its deeper and deeper, as we go further. May this be always our goal, the end point to press onto the calling, to mature in Christ, not emotion-based, but sober, firm and with undivided attention to the likeness of His Son Jesus Christ.

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