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BY Mukanga Chola

Trust me when I say, I thought I had this whole submission concept down. I don’t! There much more to know, I don’t even half of the icing of it. 1 Corinthians 13:9 says “for we know in part and prophesy in part...” He shows us and teaches us in bits and pieces.

Women in our era find it very hard to submit (myself included). I don’t really know the reason why but I have ideas. Maybe it is because we know our “right” now, we are getting more educated academically, socially, economically, etc. I guess each one of us has different reasons.

SUBMISSION is surrendering oneself to the authority or the will of the other.

It sounds simple yeah? It’s not! It’s not as easy as it sounds but it’s not impossible either. As long as the WORD says it, it’s possible. One thing I have come to learn is that one needs to be humble for one to submit. The opposite of being humble is being prideful. Its either you are humble of prideful. There’s no grey area! (I will just leave this here for you to digest).

I understand most of us have big dreams, visions ,positions at our work place and churches, our ministries are doing well, we are big, big people in society. However, despite what we have attained, we are commanded to SUBMIT.

Let’s go to Ephesians 5:25

“Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”

Short, but profound! God is the number one person are must submit to. You must submit to God otherwise you cannot submit to any other person. Basically, this means that you “level” of submission to man is equivalent to that of God.

We have been brought up differently. We come from different walks of life, cultures, traditions, rules and all are different. Therefore, our view on this topic may differ. We view it as we have been taught by parents, guardians, society, television, even by observation. I thank God we came to the knowledge of Christ and the affairs of His kingdom, we can now view it as He does. Not as the world views it. We are now part of the Jesus culture. Romans 12:2 tells us not to be conformed to this world but to be transformed by renewing of the mind. May the word of God transform your mind today, in Jesus’ name!

Back to Ephesians, chapter 5:21. The bible does not conditions in which you must submit. All it says is submit. I have heard some people say;

“He is not even worth submitting to”

“He/she earns less than I do, why submit?”

“He acts like a neonate, why submit?” my personal favourite.

“She is not on my level”

Quick question, did you deserve His death on the cross? How’s this necessary? Jesus submitted to the Father for the cross to happen. The scripture says submit to whoever as you would to GOD!

Am writing this to the ladies especially. We must learn to submit. Whatever is topping us from submitting is from the enemy. He has deceived and is still deceiving us with his “sweet” nothings. I silence his voice in Jesus’ name! It’s not easy and it’s a process. I’ll tell you what, Juanita Bynum puts it plain and profound in her sermon “submit and repent”. I listened to it a couple of times, I was convicted. I ask God to change my heart and guess what, He is working on it. I slowly understand His will for me in this area. To those of us who have the “my way or no way “attitude, you always want to be on top of literally everything and want to be the boss at everything, SUBMIT AND REPENT!

James says “He opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble”. He adds on to say “humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up.”

Proverbs 11:2

“When pride comes, and then disgrace, but humility, wisdom.”

Submission is action. You consciously and actively do it. Don’t do it in your mind, the fruits need to be seen. This is only for those who want to be sanctified, those who want to be better women of God. I too am working on it by God’s grace.

Let us lay aside our excuses, focus on His word and allow him to transform us from the inside out.

Daughter, you can do it!

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