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A woman of God becomes one only by living a godly life. A life according to the word of God, that of of purity and holiness through sanctification.

Everyone is talking about it. It pops up at every youth meeting, at every women and men’s conference. Some churches don’t talk about it though. I wonder what they talk about seeing that this is a clarion call. The bible says pursue holiness without which no one can see God. We talk about it but not doing anything about it, it’s yet another piece of information we acquire and pack it up with our other books or whatever! We are in a generation were perversion, sexual immorality (any sexual activity that in not in the will of God), coarse jokes ,indecency, extra marital relationships, etc. seems to be a norm. I mean people look at you weird when you are not involved in what seems like ‘fun’ and ‘living my life’. “live a little” they’d say.

Proverbs 14:12

“there’s a way that seems right to a man, but its ends is the way to death”

If you think the way you have been living your life is right, think again. Whether you are deep in the Spirit or you are an occasional church goer, Paul says check whether or not you are still in the faith.

Merriam Webster defines PURITY as

· Lack of dirt/ harmful substance

· Lack of guilt or evil thoughts

· State of being pure.

from these definitions, purity involves the soul, mind and body. It starts from the inside out.

1 Thessalonians 4:7

“for God has not called us for impurity ,but in holiness….”

When we get saved, we are justified ( made right), then the process of sanctification follows. Sanctification is a life long process in which we are made holy. The verse above is simply saying you and I were not called to continue living in impurity. Holiness is power! Be holy as He is holy is what scripture says. Sanctification is removes all dirt, harm, guilty, hurt, hate, addictions, obsessions, etc. the more we move towards the light, the more we realised we are filthy and the more cleansing we need. It is quite painful sometimes but it is worth it. Without it, no one can see God.

Most of us deny the process. We say its too much work. We even go to the extent of saying “ once saved forever saved.” This is a lie from the enemy. You can be saved but if you don’t work out your salvation with fear and trembling, you will go straight to hell. This is truth, if its not talked about in your church, am talking about it now. Let they that have ears hear the words of the Lord. Holiness is power!! A woman pursuing holiness is a powerful woman! Be that woman today!

In your note book, make a list. Make a list of what you have been struggling with, whether you have received Christ as your personal saviour or not. It doesn’t matter, small or big write it down. May the Holy Spirit convict you. Surrender the list and yourself to God and allow Him to work on you. He has been waiting for you the reach this point of surrender and knowing that He is the ultimate.

The change will not happen overnight, well… some may experience overnight change *I believe in miracles* the more you yield and surrender the more He cleanses you and makes you Holy. Your job is to surrender and leave the rest to the Holy Spirit.

Daughter, you can do it.Take heart. God bless you.

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