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Part III


By Dr. Abel Hara

Some Sometimes we go through storms no one knows about and we look strong and “got it all together” on the outside yet we are battling with a lot on the inside. I am always humbled when I meet people who have gone through so much hardship and they never let it embitter them. I am amazed to see those who have gone through things I can’t even imagine and yet they never became bitter, they became better! They found God in the midst of the storm and were able to see beyond themselves and even love other people and be genuinely concerned about others in the midst of their own storms.

It’s not easy, but may we come to such a place where we remain in a place of TRUST —even if:

-The answer takes a long time. -The answer comes packaged in a different way than we were expecting. -We don’t understand what is going on. -There is no correlation between what we know of God and the present reality which staring us in the face.


-Nothing can separate you from His love.

Having “said” all this, I’ll be first in line to admit that it’s easier said than done to thank God in the midst of storms—but it’s not impossible. Be encouraged. He is still the same. He has not changed. Find Him in the midst of the storm. Hold onto Him for dear life. Refuse to be offended-or to stay offended-with Him. Choose to pursue His heart no matter what. Let it be the declaration of your heart that: “JESUS I WILL PURSUE YOU NO MATTER WHAT. I WILL OVERCOME OFFENCE AND DISAPPOINTMENT TO FOLLOW YOU. I WILL FOLLOW, FULL OF FAITH.”

God did show Himself faithful, and while I am still in the oven and experiencing the baking process of my current season of life, I am already learning so much about who God is and who I am. I thank God I was able to complete writing my first book (You Matter To This Generation) which was essentially a love letter of what I began to discover and rediscover about my worth and value in God; in the process of finding hope in the midst of potential regret and pain, I was able to take what I learnt, process it correctly by God’s grace and find hope and perspective—Becoming better, and not bitter. I am also grateful that God opened a door of opportunity for me to continue with my studies when I could just as easily have given up or even failed to find an opportunity to begin to rebuild. To whom much is given, much is expected. I thank God for the gift in my hands. I will purposefully use it to His glory and like Paul, I will “labor more abundantly than them all, yet not I but the grace of God in me...” Be encouraged. No matter what you may face now or in a later season, Allow the storms and fires of life to be tools in God’s hand to grow your understanding of who He is and who you are, because the revelation of who you are is birthed out of the overflow of your revelation of who God is. 2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. Everything flows out of your relationship with God; the quality of your walk with God is your greatest asset. He will always be faithful in your life. You can count on Him.

You are loved ♥.

i wrote a book entitled " you matter to this generation". you can find it on Amazon using the following link;


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