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Part II

By Dr. Abel Hara

One year ago, I experienced a dramatic change in my academic status and my institution of learning as a result of not handling with Wisdom and honesty an opportunity God had placed within my grasp.

One year ago, my world came crumbling down; one year ago, I didn’t have certainty concerning my future, especially as it related to my studies; One year ago, I was in an awkward place, having peace on one hand knowing that God was with me and receiving His love and comfort through those around me, but having a lot of uncertainty and not knowing how things would play out regarding my future. One year ago, I saw my plans come crumbling down, and in that moment I had to embrace the reality that my plans can change, but God’s purpose remains the same and that if I allowed Him, and embraced His forgiveness, He could take my mess and give me a message; He could take my circumstances and use them as raw material for shaping me for His purpose.

One year ago, I couldn’t say with certainty where I would be in a years time and what I would be doing; everything I had known and become familiar with was about to change and I felt helpless... One year ago I felt like a failure and I was scared to face the world after playing a role in self-destructing a God-given scholarly opportunity; I wondered how I could look those who loved and believed in me in the eye and tell them I had messed up. I wondered where I would start from. I wondered how I would be able to build my vision from the ground up. When I open my journal for prayer and documentation of my life, I observe how one year ago I wrote: “Lord, I can’t, but you can. I depend on you; I rely on you; I need you...[my back is against the wall and] I literally have no alternative [but] to choose to trust you, not by DEFAULT, but purposefully. Speak to me; I am listening...” 

One year ago, I was also encouraged, reminded of my worth and value in God and challenged to hold onto God inspite of my carnal tendency to run away when I mess up; one year ago, what I thought would crush and destroy me was sovereignly hijacked by God to reveal His love for me. Don’t get me wrong, the consequences were real and the pain was very real; the pain of disappointment and the pain of disappointing; as well as the hurt of unexpectedly leaving all that I had come to know and those who had become a relevant part of my life. Given a chance, I would do a lot differently, but that’s not how life works. Life comes with no opportunity for reversal or rehearsal—We are living our real lives right now.

I thank God that He is able and willing to recycle our scars and use them to serve His greater purpose for us. It was painful, But in one thing was I comforted, and this was in knowing that God was with me in the midst of the fire. He told me: “I am with you, I am for you, and I love you. Continue to abide in my love; give me your heart, and let me finish the story I began with your life....” These words helped me maintain my sanity.

As I wrestled with my own shortcomings and my role in creating the problem, I also wrestled to trust God and to let others in. It’s so easy to shut people out when we are going through challenges. It’s easy to become bitter and fail to take responsibility for our role (whatever it may be) in creating uncomfortable situations.

Sometimes, what we go through is not our fault, but we get to decide how we go through it and how we react to it. There are some challenges that people go through of which I can hardly even imagine going through; but when God has got you, And you get to experience His love and ‘thereness’ through strategic people and support systems around you, there’s nothing you can’t overcome. Some Sometimes we go through storms no one knows about and we look strong and “got it all together” on the outside yet we are battling with a lot on the inside. I am always humbled when I meet people who have gone through so much hardship and they never let it embitter them.

God remains faithful no matter what!! HE is a good GOD..


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