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Overcoming the blame game


Part IV

Who do I say I am?

Myth: people who fail are not to be loved and deserve punishment

Genesis 3:11-13

It all started in the garden of Eden. Eve failed at keeping the instruction. We He asked them how they came to the knowledge of them being naked, played the blame game.

When God asked them where they were, He wanted them to own up to the thing that they did wrong. This is what God requires of us. However, we tend to blame God and each other and we believe the people should be punished. Not only do we blame ourselves, we blame others also and we punish our self, this is the worst.

In john 8:3-11

A woman who was caught in the act of adultery was brought to Jesus to be judged, but before or while they were bringing her, they already placed judgement on her. They already knew she was suppose to be stoned. Jesus, in all his wisdom said to them, “he who has not sinned among you, let him throw a stone at her first.”

People who blame or judge others have a superiority attitude. They say “I am not perfect but at least I am better than her.”

God has called us to be fruit inspectors not judges. He only is the judge!

Some of us are what and who we are because of what someone did or said. Because they said this, that why I am like this, because he raped me, I cant love no man and will never change, I will die single and miserable. We find satisfaction in blaming others. We need to repent! It happened long time ago, let it go and live the life that He called you to live. A life of freedom.

Ask yourself;

· Am I quick to judge?

· Am I quick to defend myself when I am wrong?

· Am I hard on myself?

· Am I self condemning?

Note: taking responsibility is not the same as blame. When you are wrong, own up and ask for forgiveness. There’s a difference between condemnation and conviction.

How then do I move from the blame game, whether blaming your self or others?

· Know that Jesus paid it all. Isaiah 53:5-6, I john 4:10. Do you believe that He did it all for you? Receive fully the forgiveness of Christ. Also believe that the same blood that was shed for you was also shed for the person you are blaming.

Jesus paid it all for you.

God bless you!

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