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Beacon of hope Tabernacle

Sunday morning service


Bishop Donald Chirambo

Title: Obedience; a mark of son-ship

Text: proverbs 3:1-4, Psalm 119, Deuteronomy 26:16, 1 Samuel 15

A child is not raised by the biological parents alone, it take a whole community to raise a child. The church is included in this community. Obedience is cardinal as a son or daughter. It is require for one to be raised in order. It is especially need for the son to obtain favor both in the eyes of God and man. If you have noticed, humble and obedient people are like by many people. Obedience attracts.

There are expectations at every stage of life, however, whether young or old, there is a common denominator and that is obedience.

What/ who then are we obeying? All through the book of psalm 119, we are told to obey God, His commands, statues , word and laws. These must be obeyed fully. Total obedience is the key (. Partial obedience is still disobedience. Therefore, everything in you should be tilted towards it.

When we look at king Saul in 1 Samuel (15:23), Saul was told to kill ALL the Amalekites and all that they had. Go and smite ALL! This was the word and command that came to Saul. The king however felt he had a better idea, he spared the good looking animals and Agag their king. This was partial obedience which to God is total disobedience. Disobedience is the a sin of witchcraft.

Obedience should be attractive. What does this mean? Obedience without motivation is useless. We usually obey without even understanding the benefits that comes with it. If we do not see the benefits that come with obedience, it can easily become a chore. It’s the benefits that push us to obedience. Be attracted to obey.

Obedience should not be exchangeable. 1 Samuel 15:22. Do not cover up or replace obedience with something else. You can not substitute obedience with anything else. Saul thought he could. He thought a sacrifice to God is better than obedience. NO! IT’S NOT! Even with us, when we need to kill all Amalekites, let us do so, if we have to repent, we need to repent. If you have to show gratitude to someone, show it! DO NOT SUBSTITUTE IT WITH ANYTHING ELSE.

Obedience is better than sacrifice. Is your sacrifice out of obedience or out of selfish desires like Saul? Remember, when your heart is pure, even without a gift or sacrifice, God will honor that. Obedience brings success. Obey Him with your all.

God bless you.

For the podcast of the message, click the link below :)

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