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My declaration!

Hello MARCH! i have always said 3 is my "lucky" number. was born on the 03/03/93. everything goo to me comes in 3's! ;). I am so expectant this march and this is my declaration!

Psalm 23


  • Is my leader (shepherd) and that is all I need. (23:1)

  • Is my provider, I will trust Him.( 23:2)

  • Is my peace, I will rest in Him. (23:2b)

  • Is my restoration, I will cling to Him. (23:3)

  • Is my salvation, I will rejoice in His salvation.

  • Is my protector and comfort. (23:4)

  • Is my love, I shall not fear. (23:4)

  • Is proud of me as daughter/son , He is not ashamed of calling me His own.

  • Is my oil, the cup that never runs dry. (23:5b)

  • Anoints and appoints me, I am ready for battle. (23:5b)

  • Is MERCY, He delights in it more that judgement. (James 2:13)

  • Is my dwelling place forever and ever, amen!

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