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Modesty in action..

Esther 1:10

“On the seventh day when the heart of the king was merry with wine, he commanded mahuma……… bring queen Vashti before the king with her royal crown in order to show people her beauty, for she was lovely to look at. But queen Vashti refused to come at the king’s command….”

I am a Mother. I have a 13 year old daughter. Once, I needed her to offer hospitality to the very important guests we had. I shouted from the living room where we all were sited. “Hadassah, honey, can you please come and greet the visitors and offer them something to drink?” I shouted. I must say the response that I got left me speechless and embarrassed. My daughter, Hadassah replied, “mum, am busy! Why can’t you take care of your own visitors?” How would y’all mothers react? Quite frankly, I thought she deserved a holy slap.

I do not know the theological reason why queen vashti to appear before the king, but the fact that it was put in the bible means it is important. It could be that she knew that her husband drunk so, she decided not to pay any attention to what he did or said. it could be that she had a little bit of pride, thinking to herself “why should the queen parade herself to her minority?” Or, it could be that culture did not allow her to do parade herself in front of male officials, whatever it was, she did not come to the king.

Actions speak louder than words.” Y’all say. I say actions reveal show true and inner most character. Even though the queen did not see it appropriate to respond to the king’s call, she would have at least in pure obedience done what was commanded. Obedience was the most appropriate act of humility. I have a feeling Vashti was like my 13 year old girl, haughty and disrespectful. Saying “what does that man want? Isn’t it embarrassing enough that we he is drunk on wine; he wants to drag me in it. Am not coming, tell him to deal with it.” (Relax! this is just me thinking, it is not written anywhere in the bible.) y’all know that action is rude, especially to royalty.

The way we act is important to our spiritual walk with the Lord. Don’t say you shouldn’t be judged by how we act but your heart. Guess what honey, everything flows the inside out! No matter the situation, you will give an account of your actions.

Esther 1:19

“… that it may not be repeated that vashti is never again to come before king Ahaserus. And let the king give her royal position to another who is better than she.”

this small act cost vashti her royal position, wealth, possession, covering, dignity, worth and literally everything.

What are you actions costing you woman of God?

Paul said “all things are lawful but not all things are helpful nor build up.”

I know some situations are justifiable to act crazy, rude, and with no respect or regard for anyone but, is it beneficial to you and your spiritual growth? Some of the actions we portray are a put off and are not biblically acceptable. We need to repent!

Proverbs 29:11

‘A fool expresses all their emotions but a wise person controls it.”

Your emotions control your action. Control your emotions and your actions will follow suite. Let us know compromise the gospel.

A humble actions gains honour.

God bless you!

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