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If you’re a born again follower of Christ, then I’m pretty sure you have been convicted at one point or another to change in some way. It could be your attitude, your friends, your words, goals, or anything else. But here’s something that God has taught me over time. When you’re changing, you have to constantly look “UP”. Never back or sideways or even forward. Sometimes God shows us areas of our lives that need to be changed in some way and we are more than ready to do so. But along the way we forget why we’re changing. We forget who we’re doing it for. Have you ever been on your way somewhere and suddenly got lost? Did you ever get to a point where you doubted if you even knew where you were going in the first place? In your confusion, where would you look first? Back? would you look back to where you’re coming from? Maybe even abort mission and just go back there? Do you always just conclude saying, “wouldn’t that be easier?” Or would you look forward? Remember, you’re in a state of confusion and can’t see the destination quite yet. Sometimes looking forward is an invitation to doubt into our hearts. Sometimes we can even see those who have gone ahead of us and seem less confused than we are. This can sometimes invite fear, jealousy and anxiety into our hearts. Or maybe you’ll look around you. Looking side to side to see if the people around you feel that you are going the right way. Sometimes we just want the validation of those we are surrounded by so that we can move forward with confidence. But what happens if they don’t give that to you? What happens if everyone around you is against you? Will you abort the mission or change routes just because they said so?

Luke 6:26. (MSG) “There’s trouble ahead when you live only for the approval of others, saying what flatters them, doing what indulges them. Popularity contests are not truth contests—look how many scoundrel preachers were approved by your ancestors! Your task is to be true, not popular.

But here’s the key to seeing change through. Keep looking up! Seek your Father in heaven. He’s everything you need. Your instructor, your navigator, your cheerleader, your companion, everything you need. That is who He is. You can trust Him.

Which one you you identify with? Which way/ways do you find yourself looking in the midst of doubt? I personally find myself looking sideways constantly. For a long time, the approval of those around me was music to my ears. In my mind, APPROVAL FROM THEM=SUCCESS. I thank God for opening my eyes and changing my mind. Trusting God alone isn’t something easy, but it IS possible. His grace always was, is and will be sufficient. May it be your portion as you go through those sanctifying changes in Jesus’ name, AMEN.

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