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A multitude of people on their knees, worshiping the Lord and I in front leading them in worship. And then I woke up. It's a dream that reoccurred for almost a year in my fifth grade and to some extent it made me afraid every time I awoke from my sleep.

God was speaking and I didn't respond, I wonder what would have happened if I did. But fast-forward to a year after grade twelve. My life took a turn I didn't expect, I started living with a man who mentored me in the worship ministry. Time came in that year when he had to leave for some time and since he was the main worship leader at our local church, he had to leave his role in my hands.

What a huge shoe to fill, I thought to myself. But with God's grace I took the challenge. On a normal rehearsal day everything went well, I put together a number of songs in preparation for Sunday service and the response was good seeing that I hadn't led this particular worship team all by myself in a full Sunday service.

So came Sunday, all was set, I took the microphone greeted the people, gave an exaltation and called the house to worship..

In the middle of the first worship song something happened, there came a mighty presence of Lord in the room, people on the floor, others weeping, many with hands lifted to the Lord..

I didn't even know what was going on, I opened my eyes and I looked, the exact picture of my fifth grade dream is what I was seeing in the place. I mean exactly the same.

I realised we had sung the same song for almost an hour, people couldn't stop worshiping. It went on until the service was done.

Ever since that day, I learnt what God was calling me into. I found purpose for my life.

So are you wondering if you're in God's purpose for your life? Just be sensitive to the lead of the Holy Spirit, I know He has spoken, you just need to listen. yoY don't have to wait for long like I did to figure out God's purpose for your life.

Thanks for letting me share my testimony, hope someone's spirit has been elated.

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