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Letting go of shame..


Part III


Miracle Life Family Church,

Lusaka, Zambia.

What do you believe?

Where did these beliefs come from?

Are they consistence with the word of God?

Identity myth says: I am what I am and I cant change.

A person who stays in this myths lives a hopeless life. Shame grows in the dark. Most of us have gone through and done many shameful things that we do not like to talk about. Perhaps we are afraid that people will not look at us the same because we are held in high esteem. who are we kidding! As long as things are not talked about, as long as it is hidden, it grows. The enemy, the devil will always use this against you.

There is a saying I like growing up; “say the truth and shame the devil”. Today I say it in this way, “confess your sin to one another, be healed and shame the devil.”

Hiding makes you doubt your virtue, it makes you hopeless because the enemy continues to whisper that shame. As long as he does that, you believe it and live it.

Proverbs 28:13

“whoever conceals his transgression will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.”

Some common causes of shame include;

Ø Traumatic life experiences

Ø Sexual abuse

Ø Physical abuse

Ø Verbal abuse

Ø Failure

You know you are carrying shame when you say;

¡ I am damaged goods

¡ I am unwanted

¡ I am ugly- people with shame despise their own appearance

¡ I am impure

¡ I am weak

¡ I am worthless

· My whole life is someone else’s fault

People who carry shame;

¡ Hold on to garages

¡ Do not trust others

¡ Are critical

· Have Co-dependent relationships (controlling). They are always in relationships with “messed up” people.

And so on…..

Ask yourself;

¡ Do I feel certain things from my pas has ruined me?

¡ Do I constantly reply the sad movies of my life?

¡ Do I go into a setting of people and feel less than?

Ask God to search your heart and exam your thoughts and for the Holy Spirt to convict you. If you realised you say or think these things and the answer to the questions was “yes”, whether all of the, some of them or even one, there is work to be done. Be HONEEST with yourself.

How do I get out of it? -thank you for asking 😊.

· Be honest with God. Tell Him how you feel and how you got to that point. If you have bitterness or anger toward Him, tell Him, he knows it but he needs to hear it from you. Theres power in confession. Tell Him how you feel He should have been there when that man/woman defiled you but you felt He wasn’t. TELL HIM EVERYTHING!

¡ Be honest to people. (James 5:16) confess your sins to ONE ANOTHER so that you may be healed. When you expose the shame, it has got no power over you!

¡ Prayer consistently and ask Him to give you a new heart and to renew your mind according to Ezekiel 36:25-28 and romans 12:2.

The answer to shame is regeneration. Partner with God let get your healing and freedom.

Scriptures to meditate on

Titus 3:3-7

Ephesians 4:21-24

Roman 12:2

God bless you.

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