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Thank you for loving me relentlessly and teaching me to let go and be submissive to You in every area of my life, particularly with regards to my love life. i had previously given my heart away to the wrong people and all i was left with was a broken heart. i felt the need to compromise and pretended to be someone else just so that i can be good enough. though it hurt to surrender, you asked me to trust you and i did. Little did I know you were cooking something up behind the scenes and at Your appointed time, You sent him my way. You brought man after Your own heart who pursues me relentlessly just as You do. A man who loves me genuinely, out of a pure heart just like You do. A man who honors and respects me, a man of integrity. I’m at loss for words with this blessing Lord, all I can say is thank you. I’m grateful for your Your goodness and faithfulness towards me. Indeed you are true to your promise and only You do marvelous and awesome deeds, receive all the honour that is due You. To you be the glory and all the praise, Amen.

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