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I'm in God's presence...But...

Why is it that in church some people experience an encounter with God while others go back the way they came?

TEXT: Exodus 3: 1-10

#-first things first, notice that Moses was taking care of the father in law’s sheep when he saw this magnificent scene. The bush was on fire but was not being consumed. Very interesting right?

Verse 2. And the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush. He looked and behold, the bush was burning, yet it was not consumed.

Okay let’s break it down. Moses is at mount horeb; the mountain of GOD. Picture the mountain as in church. The burning bush as, what God is doing in front and is that catchy. Moses the audience to whom GOD is trying to communicate.

Notice this, God waits for Moses to make the first move before He speaks to him. Verse 3. And Moses said, “I will turn aside to see this great sight……..” Note that many times we miss the whole point of being in church on that particular day. We think to ourselves, ‘I have brought myself here, God is going to perform some miracle today.’ I think we should make the purposeful move on top of bringing ourselves to the mountain (church), tell yourself, I will turn aside to see this great sight. Purpose in your heart to focus on seeing that which God has to do on that particular day. Looking aside means forgetting what, who you came with so that you focus on this one thing-seeing what great sight/atmosphere He has created that day.

Verse 4. When the Lord saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush…….. maybe the reason why you keep coming to church and going back the same is because you haven’t turned aside to see-purposefully telling yourself that you want to see what God has for you that particular day. I’m pretty sure that wasn’t the first time for Moses to take the flock to mount horeb. It’s not the first time you have been in church and you might be wondering why you even go there. My friend it’s not enough to just go there, purpose in your heart that you ain’t going back without seeing what sight God is creating. Make the first move.

In verse 5 watch the change of everything, after you purpose to see what the Lord is doing, He starts speaking to you, HE says take off your sandals/shoes. These may represent the things you have put around you to cover/protect yourself from getting hurt. Obviously by people around you, circumstances etc…but HE SAYS TAKE IT ALL OFF!! In other words He wants you to let go/ drop down the walls you have built around yourself.

Then He can speak into your life.

From verse 5 to 10 God reassures Moses of how that He hears prayer and has come to the aid of Israel. There are things that are taken care of when God speaks, HE assures you He’s heard your cries, He tells of how He is about to deliver you from what oppresses you and gives you joy for He is about to save you.

So if you don’t get anything from all this, understand this;

1. Purpose to turn aside and let Him minister to you every time you fellowship.

2. Take off what you have covered yourself with. Let down your walls and let Him take care of you.

3. Let Him give you joy for the deliverance He is about to give you.

Scripture tells us in psalm 42:11 in your presence is fullness of joy, and at your right hand pleasures are forever more.


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