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Hearing GOD...


For the longest time I struggled to understand what a preacher meant whenever I heard him say, “Then God spoke to me….” Or, “The Lord spoke to me and said…” I kind of felt as if he probably is lying. So I purposed in my heart to look for scriptures that talk about hearing God, and boy did I find them; a whole bunch of them. However, there was a problem; all the scriptures I found did not directly tell me that I or anybody else could hear God speak in anyway.

At this point I was thinking, maybe God only spoke to Moses and the people of old, until I stumbled into Job 33.

Job 33:14-15

14. For God may speak in one way, or in another, yet man does not perceive it.

15. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds.

Then I realized, maybe He does speak, I just do not listen or recognize His voice, like little Samuel, mistaking the voice of God for Eli, his master.

So from this point I started paying attention, GOD IS EVERYWHERE! HE SPEAKS! Scriptures like;

Isaiah 30:21

“Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, this is the way, walk in it, whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left.”

And, John 8:47

“He who is of God hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God.”

All of a sudden started making sense to me. At this point, it dawned on me, there are just a lot of voices that are speaking into our ears, social media, the circles of people we keep and hung around with, television, to mention but a few; and amidst all this, even God is speaking.

The loudest voice in our ears is the voice that we listen to most, it is the voice that we get used to, the voice we get to master eventually – like the father’s voice in the home is known even when you are not seeing him - but the voice we do not listen to most, deems out and before long, we do not hear it even when it speaks.

Friends, it is time to train your spirit man to hear God when He speaks. Truth be told, He has been speaking, to our hearts, in our spirit, but His voice is almost not known and the sad part is that, He is not known to us, the so-called Christians.

Anyways, I cried my eyes out the day I realized He has been speaking all along and because my spirit man was not used to, hearing His voice hence could not recognize His voice at all. Oh, did I mention that all this happened because I spent more time with Him through His word? Not social media or any other thing that took most of my time. Yes, His word; the first and the best of Him you can ever hear, the word.

Before you even hear the prophecies, and the “the Lord is saying…” from the men who you think hear God on your behalf, hear Him yourself; THE BIBLE, HIS WORD! This can be your memory verse;

Psalm 119:130; “The entrance of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.”

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