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Give thanks..

Hi everyone.

My name is Zoe from Zimbabwe. I honestly have too many things to thank God for but, will stick to one very significant one in my Life. I was born in a broken home and lived with my grandparents for the first part of my childhood in this setting. I experienced abuse of all kind until my mother came to pick me up and I started living with her. Up until this time, I had never met my dad and only heard stories of him. I was around 8yrs old when my mother got married to an amazing man who is now my stepfather. He cared for me like his own daughter and has been the best Father I have ever seen. I only met my real father around the age of 11 and his other family and as expected we didn't know how to relate to each other. I was very resentful and bitter towards him for all he had put me through. However, I realized that he was a nice man therefore, we started getting along slowly. Unfortunately, he died a few years back. Now to cut the long story short I have been through a lot and so has a lot of people in this world but I really want to Thank God Most High for giving me a wonderful Father which sped up my healing process, and also allowing me the opportunity to know my real dad. God Almighty helped me to forgive my dad and everyone who had abused me in my past and to let go of all frustration. He is ultimately My Father as I have learnt over the years as there is so much a human being can do. I have seen him work wonders in my life that would take forever to talk about. I want to thank the Lord Jesus for allowing me to share in his sufferings as 2Corinthians 1 says. through all my sufferings I have grown stronger and more grateful to the grace of God and his loving kindness that has allowed me to reach this far.. Be encouraged to know God as your real and Good Father he will never fail you. Indeed The Best is Always Yet to Come. Glory be to God in the highest.

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