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Being The Bride

Part 1


I love weddings …. OMG! I think they are one of the most beautiful ceremonies one can attend and have in their life. The smiles on peoples face, the elegant decor, the pride in the parents eyes, the fancy bridal party, stunning grooms suit and not forgetting the magnificent WHITE wedding dress.

What we do not realise however, is that one does not just wake up and become a bride, there is preparation that takes place. Just like earthly brides, we as children of God are Brides, HE is the groom.

So now, “Being The Bride” of Christ, how does that happen?

{Notice I used “being” because this is something that is in existence, its not an act, it’s a continuous process.}

· John 3:16, Ephesians 3: 17-19

“For God so loved the world ……. Whosoever BELIEVES in Him should not perish”

The first thing to becoming a bride is knowing that He loves you and He has loved you even in your mother’s womb. There’s is no way we can measure God’s love for you. The mathematicians cannot calculate it, geography can not measure its height. You can fully understand His love but it is His love draws us to Him, it leads us to repentance. We need to believe that He is, He is your savior and you need to receive the salvation. Be born again! As soon as you are born again, you are the bride of Christ.

· Know your groom

Begin to learn your groom. Unlike the earthly marriages where we get to study the person before we take a step of commitment, we begin to know our groom after we believe and confess that He is Lord. God already knows us, so its up to us to know Him.

Philippians 3:8-10

Most of us know about God, a few know Him! Apostle Paul, was educated and very knowledgeable about many thing, even God. But when we came to Christ, the only thing He needed was to KNOW HIM. I proclaimed every he knew to be rubbish for the sake of knowing Him. Know God personally, not from other people. Do get second hand information. Go to the word, have a prayer life and KNOW HIM!

we shall continue on this soon.....

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