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Seeing yourself through God’s eyes..   

Matthew 22; 36-40 ESV

“Love the Lord your God with all you heart and with all your soul and with your entire mind… love your neighbor as you love yourself…..”

How often do I see myself through God’s eyes?

So often, I have thought loving myself is vain and so prideful. However, how can I ever love others if I do not love myself the way God needs me to? How can I love myself if I do not see myself through the eyes of my maker, the one how made my heart, soul, mind and body?

 Just in case we did not notice, He made us. He created the heavens and the earth in 5days and on the 6th day, He made man in His own image (genesis chapter 1). What is the difference? Am glad you asked.

Create; to bring something into existence.

To make; to bring into being by forming and shaping.

                  To produce as a result of action and effort.

Genesis 1; 1-3, 2; 7

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form or void……

And God said…..”

“Then the LORD GOD formed the man from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being.”

Why is this necessary to talk about this? We need to understand that we were not spoken into this earth, we were made. There was Effort and action in place. Not in the image of plants or wild animals but in the image of our GOD. We are the exact representation of God. Therefore, we need to see ourselves through His eyes, to see us in Him. Only then, will we love and appreciate who we are.

Psalm 139; 13 &14 wraps it up..

“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Why don’t we love ourselves-sometimes..?

The common answers are:

· Am too fat

· Too slim

· I have a big nose

· Have a huge gap in between my teeth( that’s me btw)

· Too dark

· Flat behind

· Big head

· Too tall

· Not smart enough

· Not talented

Some of us actually have bigger justifiable reasons not to love ourselves, which cripples our love for others’ and makes us doubt God’s.

· Abuse – sexual, physical, verbal, emotional etc.

· Rejected- family member, spouse, almost spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend, an institution etc.

· We lost a loved one (a child, spouse, parent, sibling..) and we blame ourselves

· We had a dark childhood

· I failed, am a failure

All these are justifiable and honestly, I can understand your heart. However, we need to understand that everything HE created and made was good. After every creation, He declared good. Not only did He make us and declare, he also blessed us and gave us dominion.  How can God make a mistake? The I AM! In the beginning, it was not so!

YES! The fact is that we have all gone through some stuff, most of it cannot be changed, for some we just don’t like how we were made.  I understand, but I also know that the truth is He never makes mistakes. Truth surpasses facts!

Today, I need us to focus!! Not on our problems, troubles or situations but on GOD. Only then can we know who we are made to be. If we grasp this, believe me, you will love yourself as He loves us. Remember, “the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed” genesis 2;25. They knew and loved the one who made them, they grasped their purpose, they loved themselves, they were content, there was no shame! This is how it was intended to be. Like a child, care free with no worries , no anxieties, no pain , no brokenness because their confidence was in the one they loved.

What brought us to this point in time?

 John 10:10  says “ the thief comes to kill , steal and destroy ….” You see, everything this that was given in the beginning, the enemy’s aim is to steal it, kill it and destroy it! Notice, it doesn't’t say steal or kill or destroy. No! The enemy will do them all. what has the enemy stolen , killed and destroyed in your life? Its spiritual! No matter how small it may seem.

The enemy started to feed you with these lies, he told you that “you are not” when you are. He said “you cant” when in fact you will. He said “its over” when GOD was saying “this is just the beginning”. He told you “ you can never be accepted” when the truth of the matter is that He has accepted you. This begun to decrease your confidence levels , confidence in God and later on in yourself. Other people were affected too.

There’s hope. Hope does not disappoint, hope is found in God. You need to focus on Him who made you and called you. Right now, blur out the lies that you have been told and all  the things you have gone through . Allow yourself to see only God, then you will see yourself.

You will see that:

· The presence of God in your life puts you together

· You are Beautiful

· There’s authority and dominion installed in you

· You are Strong

· You are courageous

· You are accepted

· You are forgiven

· You are loved

· You are chosen

· You are a new creation

· You have been set free

· You are blessed

· You have been redeemed from the curse

· You are not condemned

· You are healed by His strips

· You are royalty

· You are enough

· You are anointed

· You are warrior

· Your are being sanctified

·  You are reconciled back to Him

The list can go own. Where did I get this from? Am glad you asked. The word of God says it all. It says even more about you than what I have written here.  Soak yourself in the word , spend time with Him.When the enemy comes  to you with his lies , resist him and he will flee. When he comes like a flood, God will raise a standard.

 Embrace GOD, embrace  who He made you to be and embrace others.

Jeremiah 31:3

“…… I have loved you with an everlasting  love; therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.”

God bless you.

picture credit: Wachitembo mukuka

IG: mr8two8 #follow4follow

I.G .

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