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BY Mukanga Chola

A very merry 2019 to y’all, God has been so good to us all despite what 1018 looked like. I for one am excited to be alive and well this year because I know God has got a lot in store for me.

As usual, we all make ( well, most of us make resolutions or write down expectations for the new year. This is very good for everyone to do, it’s a new season, He has something specific He needs you to do or work on. The fact that you have made that list means God has been speaking to you and I am very glad. Habakkuk tells us to write down the vision on tablets so that he who reads it should run with it. So the visions, plans, leadings of God should not just stay in our heads.

I personally do not know where exactly He is taking us as a blog but I do know that He is up to something and I would love it if we go through it together.

I too, wrote down some expectations for this year. I will share a few of them as the year unfolds.

Today I want to share one…… probably one of the most important one.


I friend of mine asked me to write something for her blog on insecurities. My first comment was “ I am not insecure!.” But God thought otherwise so, He exposed me and has been ever since. You know how some people are insecure with their appearance, personality, abilities, etc. Turns out I am insecure with what God thinks about me. Yeah, sounds very silly because we read that God only has good thoughts and planned for us. Don’t get me wrong, I believe that, however, those words and scripture become a little blurred when I mess up!

I do mess up quite a lot. I am not talking about forgetting to pray once a week or not reading the word when I am supposed to, I talking about a big MESS! when this happens, I forget all about what HE says in His word. I forget that His love never changes no matter what, that how he looks at me does not change , that He has loved me with an everlasting love. Again, do not get me wrong, every sin has got its repercussions we should be ready to go through that. My problem though is, whenever I fall short of His glory, I tend to fell God has left me, He longer loves me, HE is disappointed in me and all these weird thoughts.

This is a very dangerous state to be in, why?

1. I try to fix myself.

2. I beat myself up

3. I punish myself

4. I make promises I am not able to keep.

5. I disregard grace

6. I distance myself from God and people ,etc.

Being in this state leaves no room to receive love and grace, what it does is push you away from God making one susceptible to the enemy.

This year, I want to break this circle by the grace and strength of God. I want to go back to God when I have done somethings wrong and ask for forgiveness, I want to say “God, I am a mess, but I am your mess. Fix me.” I want to love on Him as I receive His love too, I want to bask in His mercy and grace. I am not perfect, I will never be as long as I am here on earth and He knows that, that is why His arms are always wide open.

If you are going through something like this, understand that you are not alone.

God bless you and happy 2019!

To share your 2019 expectations, testimony, word or anything really, email us!

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