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Dear younger me,

Don't get it twisted, love is a beautiful thing... 😉.. Seriously though, it does not seem so right now. Right now it seems like love is overrated. You feel like you need to do something to gain it, you need to get good grades, be a good child before you can get it from your parents. It feels like you need to change who you are or conform to someone else's standards for you to get it from them....

It doesn't make it easy coming from a home where you have seen your parents almost separate and divorce.. But trust me, love is everything that you need.. It's going to be a little tough when you go through higher secondary education because you will seek love in all the wrong places, receive attention from any guy that comes along. but not to worry, God's eyes are all over you, watching that you do not fall beyond His grace because, let's face it, it's not possible to fall outta His grace..

You will make mistakes, you will be hurt, twice in your life, heart will be broken to tiny little piece, but this will be because you have not learn what real love it. You have not experienced it yet. You have not received it.. One day, Love will separate you from all chaos, He will set you apart and teach you who He is. He will mend your broken heart and dreams. He will restore hope. He will make you laugh again, His joy will flood your soul. Love will be your peace. Love will make you look at the past and understand that Love endures all things, He does not keep record of wrong, Love bears all things.

Love will make you look at yourself through His eyes and you will  see how beautiful and precious you are.. You will see why Love did not let you end up with that guy, He had a man prepared for you. A man that will love you and reflect Love Himself..

Love is a beautiful, God is love, embrace Him.

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