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Dear God, how are you?

This is the question we never ask.

I know, I know, God is all knowing, present everywhere at the same time, He is alpha and omega, the the beginning and end of our faith, he is the lion of the tribe of Judah, the great I am, the Lord our banner, the sword, the redeemer, the healer, the comforter. He is all that He says He is..

But do you know that sometimes He can be grieved, not so happy. He can be longing for you. He can miss you. He may need to hug you. He may need you to love on Him as He loves on you.

We often tell God what we what and how we are feeling. Do you know how He is feeling? He is a good, good and very good father and He is also a friend.. We sing the song "I am a friend of God, He calls me friend" but do you call Him your friend?

Sometimes He misses you and He just wants to have a normal. Conversation with you, not only when you are in desperate need of Him but especially  in your stillness.

You'd be surprised what He has to say when you ask Him this question.

Talk to Him as a friend, it's fun!!

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