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clarion call


Purity: The state of being pure or clean in the inward parts. Purity is a fundamental quality or principle to go by for a successful journey through life on earth before we inhabit eternity. It is of absolute importance for those who profess Jesus Christ as their own personal Lord and Savior and want to fufill their God-given purpose whilst on earth. Purity as a way of life may seem unimportant and may appear as something that you can live without but a proper analysis of life and living that has neglected purity reveals a life cut-short and troubled as it passes from earth into eternity. Purity gives physical, mental and spiritual strength as well as protection in all realms against the susceptibilities of fallen man. Paying attention to purity is better and much more rewarding than negelcting it. As a youth, I often times wander in thought about what I would like my life to be like. As I walk along the way, or when I lay on my bed to rest, my mind begins to dream about what I would want to get out of this life. Somehow, my heart of hearts knows that there is more in this life for me than what I am currently realising. My body can feel the vast amount of potential that God Almighty has placed within me and my mind cannot help but dream on. Scripture has said God has placed eternity in my heart ( Ecclesiastes 3:11), and that predisposes me to aim always higher and higher. I Have big dreams, big plans and big visions which I want to fufill or see fufilled in this lifetime. I certainly do not want to mimic the prophets of old who saw in dreams and visions but were not around to see it all unfold in the physical realm( Luke 10:23-24). I want to see it while I still have life within me. As I go on in years, I see a bit more clearly with each passing year and I feel within me an echoing voice going on something like this, “if you neglect purity, you may not be able to realise your potential in this life.” I hear that voice each time a young man is certified dead because of a disease that came as a result of neglecting purity. I hear that voice each time I fail to approach God in prayer because of guilt arising from my shameful acts. I hear that voice when I hear of broken marriages, broken relationships, broken churches and broken lives due to impure living. And now, as I read the words of Solomon in Ecclesiastes 12, I hear the same voice sounding a clarion call. 1Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth, before the evil days come and the years draw near when you will say, "I have no delight in them"; 2before the sun and the light, the moon and the stars are darkened, and clouds return after the rain; The call is to remember my creator as I go about my day to day activities. To remember God in everything I do and to be determined to please Him in everything I do. The call is a reminder that evil days are just around the corner. That strength is not everlasting atleast in this life. That what I seem to do so easily today may not be so easy for me to do tomorrow. That is why I have to remember NOW my creator. To pay attention to my purity now so I can accomplish the purposes set for me within the time allocated for me. This call reminds me that I do not have all the time in the world and so I ought to utilise the time that I have ( Psalm 90:12; Lam 3:27). Old age and lack of time are however not the only limiting factors. Purity is amongst that list. When a young man fails to keep pure, he opens doors of hindrance and limitation in his own life. I had a dream one day. In this dream, I saw a number creatures walking in pairs, different kinds of creatures, scary looking and colossal. I was with a couple of my friends and we saw them roaming around far off. I identified one of them as a siberian tiger. When they came to where we were, the tiger ate me up but could not digest me and I came out whole without any injury. Unfortuanetly, one of my friends was eaten up too and digested. The reason was they could only digest those who had a door opened in their lives to satan because of impure living. This is what happened in King David’s life and this is what Ecclesiastes 10:8 reminds us of. Once we indulge in an impure lifestyle, as hidden as it maybe, we open doors to satan and his demons that are detrimental to our dreams, vision and purposes. Impurity brings not only the observable physical diseases like HIV, Syphillis, gonorrhea, and the like but also spiritual disease that take away strength and testimony alike. Such a lifestyle robs us of our best years that are to be offered to God. It robs us of our best time that is to be offered to our creator. It robs us of our spiritual health that gives us confidence to go before God. It robs us of our testimony. Impurity takes us to the grave, whether physical or spiritual. It desires for our dreams to rot and our purposes to be filled with magots. David found out that the hard way and in Psalm 119:9 He says to heed to the word of God and to live pure. How long will we the youth continue to pile the hospital beds with venereal diseases because we neglect purity. How long will we fill up the mortuaries and graves because of impure living? We ought to pay attention now to our lifestyles, repent before God and ask Him daily for strength to sustain us on the right path so that we may live pure before Him and fufill our God-given potential ( Psalm 51). Amen.

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