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Ceasing the golden opportunity


By pastor Akashambatwa

Mark 5:30-33 ( take time to read)

Have you ever thought of how many opportunities have come your way? How many have you gotten a hold of? How many have you lost?

Jesus has just crossed the river from the other side of town, He is with the disciples. They meet a demon possessed man whom He heals, shortly after that HE was approached by Jairus a very high ranked ruler. Bear in mind that Jesus and His disciples were surrounded by a lot of people. They were recognised by His miracle, signs and wonders. Jairus fell at Jesus’ feet, “my little girl is at the point if death, please do what only you can do,” he said with tears in his eyes. Jesus said “I gat this!” the ruler saw the opportunity and ceased it.

As He was on His way to meet Jairus’ daughter, (He was still moving with the great crowd, they did not want to let Him go) the hem of His garment touch tempered with. “who touch me??????” He asked in shock. It was the woman with the issue of blood, she had a need unspoken. In this moment, it wasn’t the touch of His garment or the need unspoken that attracted Jesus, it was the faith that this woman had to cease the moment. Wow!

These two people had needs that had to be addressed immediately. They had things in common;

· They had needs to be addressed

· They were desperate for an opportunity

· Humility

· Faith

· Relentlessness

· They both heard that Jesus was around

· They knew he was a great physician

· They never lost hope

· They recognised this as serious business

· They recognised the crowd but still stepped out to present their need

Now the question is; what makes us loose opportunities?

o We do not separate ourselves from the crowd. Maybe its because we are ashamed to desperately call on the name of Jesus for His power to manifest in our lives. Separate yourself from the world and go all out for Jesus, pursue Him for yourself. salvation, your walk with Him is personal. Grab every opportunity that is presented!

o We think there are too many people to get in touch with the person who has what I need

We refuse to push through the obstructions, obstacles, destructions, hinderances and so on, we refuse to push through the crowd, we are too comfortable in our comfort zones. That zone is good but nothing grows there. PUSH!! No matter what is ahead of you, be determined to grad your opportunity.

o We are not persistent or relentless

o We easily loose hope (romans 5:5)

o We are not patient enough

How many people touch Jesus? How many called upon His name? why were they the only ones recorded? Think about it.

Make your case unique. This will drive you to cease the moment with God. You are not common. Your faith attracts God.

Be blessed.

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