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Beauty in rags..

Ragged but valuable..

“I am a mess!”a certain lady confessed. “I cannot take care of myself let alone take care of a simple relationship, a friendship for that matter. I am not patience, not sweet, I can’t seem to control my emotions...” she kept talking. “I feel like Delilah (the prostitute mentioned in judges chapter 16). She made a man of God fall because of her foolish lustful and curious acts quite frankly; I have been there, seducing men of God, seeing where his strength lays. Sometimes I feel like a Samaritan woman, you know the one at the well. I feel alone, segregated; I have gone to the extent of avoiding people. I no longer like meeting people, or hanging out with the ones I already know because they like to sit on the judgement sit, they like to magnify my mistakes and label me. The fact that I dated a couple of guys of which one of them was someone else’s husband does not make things better.” “What is wrong with me?!” she added.

I looked at her as she talked and with every sentence, I become more and more overwhelmed. I started to imagine what I would do if I were in her shoes. Before I could speak, she breathlessly continued “how could anyone love me? How can anyone accept me? Garbage and ragged is what I am.”

Quite honestly, am glad she continued talking because I had no words. Couldn’t come up with anything. However, as she was talking, the Holy Spirit brought to remembrance a dream that I had. I am going to illustrate to the best of my memory.

In the dream, I had to study on molar pregnancy (for some weird reason) and for that I needed a note book to write my short notes in. Because I did not have one on me at that particular moment, I went to the nearest shop, more like a small stand with things for sell. I asked for a note book but guess what, all they had was a dirty, ragged nasty looking 50 paged notebook for $200. They had one ugly book for $200!!!! “$200 for this nasty book?”I exclaimed. Because I was in a hurry, I walked away, looking for a better book. Guess what, I went to all the book shops in a mall and I did not find not even one note book. I woke up and I did not understand that dream. As always I ask for Holy Spirit for more insight but I didn’t get it just yet.

As days went on, two questions popped up in my spirit; why do we ran away from who we currently are? Why don’t we accept/why is it difficult to accept people in their current state? That note book was a mess but cost a lot of money. I say a lot of money because I am not employed yet so any amount is a lot of money loll. How much more are we worth in God’s sight? Nobody can put a price on us, no matter how messed up we think we are.

The Holy Spirit started to minister to me in that moment and all of a sudden I had something to say to this lovely lady. “Actually, the one who formed your inward parts, who knitted you together in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139:16) does not think you are a mess” I said. There was silence as I tried to organised my next set of words, hoping she would continue talking. She didn’t. So, I continued talking. You are fearfully and wonderfully made. Even in what seems like a mess, He sees beauty. God never makes mistakes, He’s works are wonderful and are good. He is perfect in all of His ways. Nothing, not one thing is hidden from Him, He sees your unformed substance, He sees what you can be, He sees the depths of your heart and he loves you the same. Look, most people, me included hate where they are right NOW.

Most of us are wearing rugs, we are shamed, we have gone through failure, our character, attitudes and behaviours are messed up. Sexual impurity is a sing we are familiar with, addiction is the air we breathe. Don’t get it twisted, am not talking about people in the world, am talking about born again Christians. Holy Ghost filled, word filled, Tongue speaking Christians. Yes! Even we go through nasty stuff. But there is hope. We thank God for sanctification.

Jeremiah 18; 4, 5

"and the vessel he was making of clay was spoilt in the potter's hands, and he worked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to do...... oh house of israel,can i not do with you as this potter has done? declares the Lord. behold like the clay in the potter"s hand , so are you in my and, o house of israel."

I think the scripture says it all!! Out of the ashes we rise, out of the spoils, He makes beauty. I am not saying love what you are doing and don’t get out of it, I am saying let God show you who He intended you to be in this period. He is moulding you into someone pleasing in His sight. He is the potter, we are the clay. It’s a process!

If you are medical personnel, you know that a new born baby does not talk, walk, eat solid food, and start playing immediately after birth. But you don’t see them wallowing in self pity, don’t remain in that state. They learn what is supposed to be learnt at each stage of their life. They have confidence in their parents, not to leave them in a neonate stage. It’s like that in the Spirit, even much more.

The word says we are being transformed from glory to glory. He loves us in whatever state; he will never leave us in a mess.

He is moulding us into his perfect image.

Be encouraged. HE never disapoints.

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