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Be Baptised..

Growing up, I was taught about God the Father and the son, so I got to know them quite well. Well, so I thought. I was born and raised in a home that was abit chilled when it came to the Holy Spirit. Therefore, I did not know much about Him. I grew up believing that the Holy Spirit had been phased out. What a lie from the enemy!

I discovered the 3rd person of the trinity in my first years of medical school. I started attending a charismatic church and I was surrounded by ‘Holy Ghost people’. I mean these people knew Him; they not only knew Him but experienced him too. They told me stories. Stories of how He convicted them of sin leading them to receive Christ as their personal savoir, how He encouraged and comforted them in times of sorrow and grief. He gave them courage in times of strife, counselled them when needed. They boldly shared the gospel, chased demons, healed, and did all marvellous things under inspiration. I was curious! Quite honestly more scared than curious. I had never seen such happen or heard of anyone experience Him like that. I read about it in the word but I was convinced it only happened in the bible days.

Last week, we learnt that the Holy Spirit is our teacher, trust me, He taught my about himself even without realising it. As I spent time with my new found friends, I learnt more about him and scripture confirmed it. Things started to make sense. In no time I got baptised by the Holy Spirit and that’s where the real journey started. By the way, I had my water baptism in 2008, November 8th.

Let me get to the point :). In john 3:1 going down up to 15, the bible talks about nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. He was a member of a very powerful governing body. As the ruler of the Jews, nicodemus knew the dos and don’ts, he knew the scriptures and he even taught the scriptures. He was the BABA of our time. He was probably one of those elders Jesus was arguing with in the temple when he was 12 years old. Yet, he asked Jesus how he performed the miracle, signs and wonders, how he taught with boldness. He had not seen anything like this. He was astonished and challenged. He had to approach Him, and he did. Nicodemus was basically asking Jesus, “how do you do it?”, “how do your minister the way you do?” “How?” Jesus gave an answer that seemed simple but was loaded and deep.

John 3; 3, 5

Jesus answered him, “truly, truly I say to you, unless one is born again he will not inherit the kingdom of God.... truly, truly I say to you unless one is born of the water and the Spirit, he can’t not inherit the kingdom of God”

Basically, it doesn’t matter how long you have been keeping the law, how much of a BaBa you are, how long you have been the church, unless you are born with the water, not only the water but by the SPIRIT, you can’t not inherit I have in me. For you to walk the walk and talk the talk, be baptised by the water and Spirit. By the way the kingdom of God is in us, it’s not building, it’s His very presence. Clearly, the ruler of the Jews was not born again. Jesus Himself was baptised by both. Break your bible to Matthew 3:16 and 17. It says it all.

The man, though being a teacher of the word for many years did not know that. I don’t blame Him; I have been there, omitting the Holy Spirit, saying he is irrelevant when he is as important. He is the one that lives in us .one who directs and leads us (Luke 4:1). Most of us are in this state, we are Christians yet we lack the Holy Spirit which makes us powerless ineffective Christians. Not only am I taking about speaking in tongues, I have realised that most of us are led in that direction alone when we hear “Holy Spirit”. Am talking about being filled with the Him so much such that you have the boldness you expand the kingdom of God like the disciples did in the book of ACTS, resisting the devil like Jesus did when He was led in the wilderness to be tempted, walking in your gifts and talents (He is the commander, anyway!), walking in love, etc. Do you know why we fail to do even half what Jesus did while he was on earth, even though he said we can do much more, he do not have the Holt Spirit or we simply do not acknowledge him. We resist Him.

I tell you today, you cannot inherit the kingdom of God, you cannot fully experience God, you cannot enter in His presence or know what He has for you if you are not baptised by Him. He leads, guides, protects, empowers, strengthens, speaks, comforts, encourages, makes you realised your full potential, He is our helper. Read scripture, it is there, both the old and the New Testament.

For those who say these things only existed in the bible days, read Hebrews 4:12. The word of God is living and active and it will not return to Him void until it full fills its purpose. John 20:22, Jesus knew why He breathed the Holy Spirit on the disciples. We need Him, we cannot live without Him.

To be baptised by the Spirit, accept him and confess him, be more aware of His existence. Do not exclude him from the trinity.

Let us pray;

Father God,

I thank you for your Spirit who is our all to us. Thank you because you did not leave me as an orphan. I receive the Holy Spirit in my heart. Forgive me for the many times I resisted Him or rejected Him. Transform my mind and give me a fresh understanding of your Spirit. I allow Him to work in me and through me this week. Make me more aware of His presence and help me experience your glory.

In Jesus’ name,


Recommended books:

-good morning Holy Spirit by Benny Hinn

-the Holy Spirit by John Bevere

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