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Appearance part II

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2. Glory

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

~1 Corinthians 10:31

Read the whole verse one more time- it say’s whatever you do so that includes our appearance. The basic point here is that we do not aim to draw glory to ourselves by our appearance. Will people look to you Ambassador of Heaven and Glorify God? Or more importantly would you seek to glorify Him even through your appearance?

Our University choir had a specific leadership role designated for attire. This role was more than just inspecting that the ‘B² ’ (butts and bust) would not make an appearance on the altar. I remember hearing of how our wardrobe leader actually took time to pray and hear from God about what we should wear for various ministrations. It’s not the what but the how. Have we ever considered allowing God to have a say in our wardrobe choices? Have we actually prayed about this aspect of our lives or are we too scared that he might saddle us in grandma style attire for the rest of our lives? Just a side note – Jesus clothes were literally bet or auctioned on at His crucifixion, God made the first leather jacket in the world for Adam and Eve: honey don’t be deceived God does have some good style.

Allow God to be worshiped by your appearance, let Him be glorified in and through it!

3. Genuine

“Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean” ~Matt 23:26

You may be the hottest chick on the block (is saying chick still a thing?) but all of that is just a shiny exterior to an ugly interior. Don’t put on falsehoods. This doesn’t mean start dressing in tatters because honey our hearts all have scar marks somewhere. It just means that don’t use the makeup as a cover up. Be genuinely you. Don’t hide. And also don’t just seek a life of getting the right outward appearances but remaining the roughed up inside.

It was the beginning of the second year of high school and I walked into the dorm with my head held high. I went to my room and started unpacking my stuff when I felt a light tap on my back. “Oh Kabura it’s you! I didn’t recognize you.” A shocked senior exclaimed. It was a bitter sweet moment, see I had not been the most popular kid in the first year and was hoping to make a great comeback so that long holiday I had nearly emptied my mum's wallet by getting a new wardrobe and opted for a hairstyle that I actually didn’t have any patience for that also cost more than the usual one I got. All this was just to impress the people that seemed all so important at the time and here I was standing unrecognizable- outwardly that is.

The thing is inside I was still me, so I still wouldn’t laugh at coarse jokes, still had a little bit of an attitude and would still walk up to CIA (our version of Christian Union) meetings diligently and alone. This is not a sad pity story but an illustration that the outside may be polished but the inside won’t change as a result.

Be Genuine!

Strange fact, the inside of me started to change. You see God started to mold me into the woman He desired me to be and as this occurred it started to reflect on the outside of me. I was able to grow up in Christ and allow my wardrobe and exterior to grow with me. I am no longer dressing out of need for acceptance but from genuinity- The work God has done within produces what you see outside.

If you are not a heels person don’t force yourself. If you can’t stand dresses pant suits still look hot. Don’t be a counterfeit version of yourself. However let that outside of you truly reflect who you are inside. However don’t use personality as an excuse for neglect. Pride is refusal of God’s presence and guidance in any aspect of our lives. If all you say is ‘that’s the way I am’ to constant prompts of change there is an issue. Don’t neglect your appearance and say it’s being genuine to your laid back nature. Let’s not forget that we are ambassadors of Christ so is disregard for basic hygiene, overused/underwashed shirts and hair that looks like it survived a hurricane the representation you want to show? Let’s remember- Heaven minded!

4. Heart

“A woman of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.” ~Proverbs 31:10

In all my life there are two people who I was attracted to (in a non-romantic way) without meeting them first. This was Ernest Wamboye and Valarie Ndungu, they were both moderating at separate times at our youth church. They were presentable for their roles but what came to me was not their appearance but their character. Both were extremely charismatic but I have been around extroverts before, this wasn’t simply charisma. Something drew me to them and I really wondered what. As time went on and I was able to further observe their lives I realized two things. They had a real relationship with God and a sincere love and passion for people. Their hearts were set on the right things and this literally flowed out of them and was palpable from a distant stage to the onlookers far seated.

I was blessed when I understood this revelation. God see’s the heart, people feel it.

I have seen talented well put together women of God with the latest Jimmy Choo heels, stunning suit, hair and make up to match. I have seen them go to church with well-orchestrated testimonies and prayer points but at the end of it impact few really. Simply because people saw them but couldn’t feel their hearts.

Your appearance will only give you the first seven seconds after which your heart takes over. Remember Esther? Her beauty afforded her an audition alone but what was inside her granted her the position.Clothes and make up can be bought, no matter how expensive the brand a price tag could still be put on it. But a woman of noble character, honey this was a King’s mother who was writing and even she said that such a woman’s worth far exceeded their bank account. This is simply to state that while appearances isn’t nothing, it isn’t everything either

Final thoughts, as established appearance is a tool that in the hands of the woman walking with God is held with a pure motive, wielded with genuinity that shines forth truth and light from the depths of her heart that all seeks to glorify God. It is a tool that grants opportunity that when combined with inward transformation may result in positions that may be used for impacting the generations.

Before you wear that dress or twist that hair first clothe yourself with strength and dignity and display the fruits of the Spirit from within.

Modesty should not go unmentioned please ask the Holy Spirit to actively guide you on this topic. Tell God that you want peace when you dress and if it does not please Him may the Spirit make it known. Standards vary though let the universal standards be known- shall the fruits of the Spirit ON you be kept for your husbands eyes only- let it be a part of you that only he sees for only he will be able to cherish them properly (and only he won’t be sinning by pondering on the images that they leave imprinted on his brain). Let’s not debate our role in someone else falling (brothers this goes to you too, ladies can lust as well). Invite older and wiser counsel, ‘what an old man can see sitting down a young man can’t see standing on a hill’ – an African Proverb.

And to the single girls please don’t wait for a husband to start being presentable while at home: “Your maker is your husband- the Lord almighty is His name!” – Isaiah 54:5a. Until the official ‘I do’ God’s holding fort girl so please shower while at home, fix your hair while at home. Remember it’s not for others but it’s to glorify God!

Charm is deceptive but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but fools despise wisdom and instruction. Let the wise listen and add to their learning and let the discerning get guidance. (Proverbs 31:30; 1:5,7)

God bless you

Sharon K. Kimani

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