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A virtuous woman

Proverbs 31:10

“a virtuous woman/wife who can find? She is far more than jewels.”

Who is this woman?

-A woman of excellence. Priceless (proverbs 31:10). She does not settle for less. She knows her worth and maintains and even develops it. She passionately pursues an excellent, incomprehensible and incomparable God. She knows God’s word (proverbs 31:26). A godly perspective is always on her lips and mind. She considers Him in whatever she does, even in the way she presents herself. She understands that modesty is godliness and spiritual maturity. She knows her significance in God. She knows that she is accepted and loved. She recognises her inner beauty. She guards her heart with all diligence (proverbs 4:23). Fears and loves the lord (proverbs 31:30-31). She is strong ( proverbs 31:25).

- She submits to her husband as to God. (Ephesians 5:23-30). The heart of her husband trusts in her, she does him good and not harm all the days of her life ( proverbs 31:11-12). She spends finances wise , consulting her husband for financial decisions. She manages a home, and sometimes makes a little extra income on the side( proverbs 31:24). She does not have idle hands. she gives to the poor and does not murmur about things she has to do (proverbs 31:20, Philippians 2:14-15). She does not hold off having kids because of selfish reasons, she teaches the younger generation godliness (proverbs 22:6, titus2).

she does not;

- Nag

- Commit adultery

- Slander

- Belittle

- Steal

- Impatient

- Act in hostility

- Deceive

“charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised”

Daughter, Pursue virtue!

We have come to the end of our biblical womanhood series. I hope you were blessed. If you did not see all the episodes, do go back and catch up.

God bless.!

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