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Miracle life family church , Lusaka.

How do I see myself? Whose view am I getting?

With society on our necks, tradition and culture giving us rules and regulations, social media that seems to be the way of life in this generations, it is very easy to loose focus. We loose focus of who we really are , we forget our potential and whose we really.

You are a product of what you believe, our hearts reflect what we really are.

Proverbs 27:19

“as in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects the man.”

Lets talk about the myths of identity. Usually, we think identity;

· Comes from performance

Many of us think academic achievements, career, paying tithe, a certain job position, our parenthood, being a pastor or even a pastor’s kid defines who you are or gives you your identity. This is a lie from the enemy and it needs to be dealt with. Look, if we are made in God’s imagine, how can earthly things define us? We need to get to a point where we lay aside all achievements and are still able to define yourself and identify who you are without them.

Can you describe who you are without using you achievements?

· Comes from other people

What are people saying about me? This is the number one question we ask. We might not say it out loud but we still ask it. We are so concerned about what people say about us so much so that we go to the extent of changing who we really are to conform to their standards. Guess what! People will never be satisfied with who you are. People are imperfect and sometimes bipolar, letting them have so much power over your life is dangerous.

If you care about someone else’s opinion other than Jesus’, He is your savoir but not your Lord ( master). The Lord’s say is the final say.

If someone says something about you, ask yourself;

-does it agree with what God says?

-do I have to keep it or discard it?

Be careful!

· Comes from our past (shame)

“my past determines who I am today and I can’t change”

This is a lie. Jesus died for everything on the cross, even your past was nailed there.

Do not define yourself by the lowest point in life, Jesus paid it all for you to be identified in him. Use your past as a testimony not identity. Do not let anyone call you or identify you by you past, rebuke them!

The truth is that enemy will challenge your identity just like he did with Eve (genesis 3:1-5) . he can make you envious about other people’s identities. “if only you do this, you will become like them”. Remember, Jesus’ identity was also challenged by the enemy (Matthew 4:1-11). No one is an exception to this, it is real but our God is more real. The identity that He has given and engraved in us is unshakeable.


Every morning after your quite time, ask yourself;

Do I know who I am in Him?

Am I arguing with God about what/who He says I am?

God bless you!

Stay tune for the next episode. Do not forget to subscribe, follow and share.

Love y’all.

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