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2018 ...

BY Mukanga Chola (founder and CEO)

Firstly, I just want to thank God that I am alive in this moment. 😊 god still has something for me to do, I am still useful on earth. With that being said, let me jump right into it.

All through medical school (6years), I was in training. Not only did I undergo medical training but Spiritual, physical, emotional and psychological training too. I did not even notice it. I realised this has happened to us more times than we would like to admit, God takes us to a place either geographical or any other place in your life and we do not recognise the full package of that particular place and season. We end up missing it. It was easy for me to say “I have just come here for school and nothing else.” I would have gotten my degree quite alright, but how wants a doctor with a bad attitude, no manners and Spiritually malnourished? It’s a dawn of a new day!

Every year after my 1st year ( when I rededicated my life to God), I became intentional about my life. I wrote down new year resolutions. Some years it work out by the list, others were just a blur, but through it all, I learnt to depend on Him. As years went on, lessons got tougher, the list became almost impossible for me to follow. Therefore, I decided to not write resolutions. I decided to go by the voice of God. I took every year as it came.

2018 has been one of those years. “it’s just another year”, I said . entering it, We had a cross over! It was lit! I wrote down 5 expectations for this year;

1. Academic breakthrough ( I did not know whether I was going to pass my practicing licence exams.. I did!!)

2. Financial breakthrough in my family- God has been faithful, not a day have we lacked what we need

3. Salvation for my family – the Holy Spirit has been working in us.

4. Relational stability. I had a very unstable, unhealthy relationship with a guy I thought was the one I’d spend the rest of my life with. BUT He did me one better and gave me one who loves and adores me unconditionally. This is huge for me because I was single for six years and for six years I prayed to God and He has granted me my hearts desires.

5. Lastly, I asked God for a black Toyota IST.. I still have a few hours before 2019. I am hopeful 😉

This is all I need and I left the rest in God’s hands. The thing about His hands is that they are stable. Whatever you place in them, he gives you back exceedingly, abundantly above all you can ask or think.

This has been my 2018. I have seen Him move in more ways than 5. He has rescued me from the pits of hell, rescued me from brokenness. He has healed my heart, giving me unspeakable joy and peace that surpasses all human understanding. He restored a very special friendship and we couldn’t be better sister right now. He helped me get out of my comfort zone, trust me this blog and website would not have happened this tear if it wasn’t for Him. Do not get me wrong, I did not have a smooth year but the storms have been worth it. With every storm I knew the one that calms the storm is in my boat, all I needed to do is call upon His name. I have failed at some things and lessons but His GRACE and LOVE has led me to repentance and brought me back to Himself.

2018, I experience a God who answers by shock. He has blown me beyond my expectations.

Somebody magnify the lord with me praise His holy name. I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise will continually be on my lips !

Psalm 124

“ what if the Lord had not been on our side when people attacked us? They would have swallowed us alive in their burning anger. The waters would have engulfed us; a torrent would have overwhelmed us……… praise the LORD !”

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