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It started at sunset, she complained of having a severe headache, her husband thought it was just a regular pain and that it would subside before they could say goodnight. But alas, it was midnight and the headache was escalating. The husband tried all he knew but it did not help. He was getting worried because now the wife did not look so good and she cried bitterly. In panic now, the husband reached for the car keys so that he can take the wife to the hospital. To his dismay, the car wouldn’t start and at this time the wife was having relapses of blacking out and that didn’t help the panicking man at all. He picked up the phone and tried to call the hospital, the phone wasn’t working, his 3year old son had broken the screen and so it froze. He took the wife’s phone and it was battery low and now he became afraid and furious, why is this happening? He asked himself, my wife will die! He thought… everything was just going wrong and he didn’t sim to have it all under control. Out of fear and frustration, he knelt down cried out to God. Lord please don’t let my wife die. He spent time on his knees praying that night and all of a sudden he felt peace come over him and before long, his wife joined him in prayer.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

Folks, scripture tells us, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33

This man should have run to God first. He prayed at the end, meaning that he is a believer. But why did he go through all that trouble? Why didn’t he call on God the moment he realized that his wife’s situation was getting serious? Why the panic? That scripture literally tells us to put God first, let Him take Centre stage in our lives, ONLY THEN!! Will these other things be added.

If the man had turned to God first, he’s worries would have been taken away. I believe we should reach a point in our Christian walk that whatever problem we face, we cannot think of anyone else but GOD FIRST! then the rest follows, It’s time we stopped squeezing in God when we fail to solve a problem. The man in the analogy thought he had it all under control, like he knew what to do. I think the moment we realize that God is the only one who has it all under control, is the time when God will manifest His power in our midst. I love the scripture that says, “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3:5&6


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