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Don't be myopic (short sighted)

With all this technology, improvement, standards, aspirations and every other thing and person we look up to, it's had to accept yourself just as you are, let alone someone else.

As days go by, it's become harder and harder to love people just as they are.. Maybe it's because we are following a certain standard that we ourselves can't even reach. Or, we wanna/ expect  get that thing that we don't have or the we never had growing up from them..

People who come into you life come in all shapes and size, they come with all manner of blessings and not so much blessings, you are the one to bless. Some are loaded in all areas of life, while some need your hand to reach to that mountain top.

The problem is that we will never realized which one is which if we are so myopic..

Once Mi Amor and I were in a crisis. Things were not going so well between us and, there was a lot of strife as we were planning and putting things in order as we are moving towards "I do" . I called  one of the closest and most pure friend I have and pour out..

I thought she was going pamper me ooooooooohhhh, Jesus!! She said "muka, don't be myopic".. I said "whaaaaaaa😱😱". "Am the victim naaaaa"😂😂 She said "things will not continue as they are, they will definitely get way better in no time. God change things just like that,but if you cannot see and perceive what God has prepared for you guys, you will not attain it"..

This got me thinking.. Where you were 10 years ago is not the same place you are at/in today.. One decade later, you have changed either physically you are more beautiful 😉, mentally, your self esteem has improved, spiritually, fianancially.. It's not very accurate to judge a person based on their current situation.

I have heard alot men, including men of God that have said "I don't know what she saw in me because I didn't have anything to my name" You know what, these men are doing way better now.

Ladies and gentlemen (especially ladies), let's see what's ahead. We don't date potential but we  need to be able to see what they have inside them and help him manifest. Courtship is not about cute name calling only. It's about helping the other person become better than they were before you met them. Help them realized their potential. Some men are stubborn ooooooooohhhh but let's pray for them.

How far you partner will go in ALL areas depend on the time you invest in prayer and in them.. The man/woman you are in courtship with right now might not be there yet, they will be great people tomorrow... There is greatness inside your partner, it is waiting for you to pray, encourage and nurture it for it to manifest. Don't be short sighted..

If they are rigid,.... Well... That's another story.. 😂

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