Hello friends,
Today on manhood Monday, I would love to share part of my experience. I am a man who doesn’t really respond well to correction. (an area God has been dealing with me in.)

I had a dream one night, I was looking at some beautiful roses in a field, as I was observing them and enjoying their bright colors, a voice talked to me and said; “there’s something poisonous among those roses and looks exactly like the roses” I refused and said, I don’t see it, I think the roses are just fine… the voice repeatedly warned me and I kept refusing. Then the voice said, “There! Look carfully!
I looked, and there it was, a very hideous insect, colourful as the roses. When I woke up, I wondered what that dream meant. It was in the morning of that same day that I knew what the dream meant. I had a text conversation with a friend and during that conversation, he was correcting me on some issues we were talking about, and for some reason I reacted the same way I do when being corrected –not glad at all- but in my heart I know I need to be corrected. The correction didn’t give me a problem at all, but what he said next made me connect to the dream I had. He said, “you haven’t created a platform on which people can correct you.” In the dream I ignored the warning, the roses were beautiful, but something poisonous was hiding in them. Roses in this dream might represent the good I see in myself. Could it be that underneath the “good Godly man” that I think I am trying to become is something that needs to be dealt with?
The answer is, yes. It cannot be a coincidence that I had a dream in which I was being warned about some danger in something good, and on that same day I face some correction. I think God was saying to me to deal with the way I take counsel from people. That way I have taken another step towards becoming a Godly man.
maybe you’re a man like me, maybe you think you’re okay, especially when you feel you’re the man, friends, it’s when you feel you’re on the right track, that you should check yourself the most.
I think a real Godly man needs to step back, reflect and listen to the advice of wise counsel. Scripture tells us;
Proverbs 13:10 (NLT) Pride leads to conflict; those who take advice are wise.
Look carefully!!!!! ��