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Jesus knows...

Title: Your heavenly father knows what you need.

Texts; Matthew 6:25-34, Isaiah 43:1-2

I woke up at 5am to do my quite time, God was mot the first person on my mind. The thing was “how am I going to do this, how will I get through this?”. My plan was to read Zechariah 5 today, but the Holy Spirit whispered, “seek first the kingdom ….”. so, I went straight to Matthew 6:25.

Are you anxious about;

· life

· what you will eat

· what you will wear

· your body

· how you will get through the day

· how to reach a certain goal

{insert what is worrying you}

God is asking, is not life more precious that whatever you are worried about? Isn’t your life better spent on worshiping Him by seeking Him first. Shouldn’t He the first thought on your mind? Have you reduced your life to merely food, drink and other material things? The gentiles seek material things first. But you, seek first righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost because that is the kingdom of God.

I know what you need, but unless you seek me first, you will not receive it fully and most importantly, you will not have peace. Do not wake up thinking how you will do it and how much it will cost, let me be the first thought on your mind as you wake and the last as you sleep.

Today, choose to surrender everything to God.


Dear Lord, I know you are with me. I shall not fear what the day has for me. I choose not to be anxious, I shall not worry. You are with me through and through. I receive your peace, the peace that surpasses all human understanding because I know you calm the storm.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

God bless you.

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