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in loving memory of...

I attendend a funeral today. It was sad as expected at any funeral. The atmosphere was tense, people’s faces could not even let me say hi to them. People crying, family members sobbing. I could see the children’s (to the late) faces; they had the questions that most people ask when something unfortunate happens…. “why Lord, why me? Where were you Lord..?

I’m sure everyone had something running in their minds, who will take care of the kids, how will they survive..? but for me the questions that resonated most in my mind were; have I done enough to deserve, “IN LOVING MEMORY” ? what have I done with myself? Have I been influential enough? What have I done to improve the people around? My society? Have I equipped myself enough? Have I equipped other people enough? Most importantly, how have I lived my spiritual life?

Ecclesiastes 3:20 (kjv) All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again.

Would I say, “I have finished the race, I have fought a good fight of faith..? OR will I die a premature death? Is my life even pleasing to God, or will I be one of those people He will tell, “ I never knew you..” have I stored up treasures in heaven or on earth? Have I taken care of my body, which is the temple of the living God?

Who you are, what you are, what you have achieved, who you have influenced is described in the “ DASH” This is the dash, BORN (year) – DIED(year). What you do during this dash matters to you, to people and most importantly to God.. it matters to people because God is all about people and as children of God you need to be all about people.. everyone will give an account to God of how you lived during your DASH.

Notice that it doesn’t matter how many people attend your glorious funeral, or how many nice things said about you once you’re gone. God gives the final say.

So, what will he say about you? How have you lived your life?

Are you a good and faithful servant or are you a lethargic Christian?

God has a purpose for all of us and we have time within which we must accomplish our purpose here on earth. When the time comes, whether you have done what He has required of you or not, you will be taken and put to rest. Be wise, know your purpose, live according to God’s will, and take care of your body….( I am gonna write a whole article of this)

Leave a legacy, a Christ oriented legacy!!

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