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did somebody say INTEGRITY?

Hello friend,

It’s good to be back on this platform. I would like us to continue our Monday usual business.

The past two weeks I have been looking at more bible characters, Men whole we can look up too and draw Godly manhood from and my are they interesting. I have found out that there are inexhaustible traits of Godly men from the bible and I am glad that we can keep looking at them for as long as the Lord wants us to.

With that said, I want us to take time to look at “ INTEGRITY” today and our bible character focus is Joseph. We’re talking about Joseph of genesis 37.

Very few of us think or even use this word in our day to day lives, yet it sums up a whole lot of who we are as men. The dictionary defines integrity as, “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.” Of course, there are many definitions but this one is perfect for our study. I like the last part mostly, “…moral uprightness.” This sounds more like our Joseph. From being sold by his own brothers, being falsely accused by Mrs. Potiphar, to being forgotten in prison for years, Joseph kept his focus and most importantly, his integrity. When I think about it, once you compromise on integrity, you consequently lose focus; more like two sides of the same coin. Scripture admonishes us that, “ 3 The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.” Proverbs 11:3

We can hardly overstate the importance of integrity to a generation of believers so much like the world in ethical conduct. But integrity’s benefits speak volumes - character, a clear conscience, deep intimacy with God and many more…

We must let God’s Word draw our lines of conduct. Our speech and actions must be intentionally true. This means integrity has everything to do with a deliberate move, deciding to act with integrity in any situation we find ourselves in no matter what.

In chapter 50 of Genesis, Joseph, despite what the brothers did to him, he still kept assuring his brothers, Genesis 50:19-21 19But Joseph said to them, "Don't be afraid. Am I in the place of God? 20You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. 21So then, don't be afraid. I will provide for you and your children." And he reassured them and spoke kindly to them.

What? This man was almost killed by these brothers, yet he loves on them like this and speaks kindly to them. Friends, that to me is integrity.

I do not know if I will ever reach Joseph’s level of integrity, but I sure want to be a man of integrity…

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