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Hello friends, it’s yet another Monday and today I would like to share what God has been teaching me for the past three weeks. I am sure you are wondering, what’s with the ‘ARK’ title? Well, I am about to talk about it. I sat down praying and God started showing me my heart, about kindness and how that lately it hasn’t been exhibited by me. Of course I was like, God, how? I mean I am kind-hearted, I love people, I give, I do care for people. He took me to this scripture;

2 Samuel 9: 1 David asked, “Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan’s sake?” I wondered, why this scripture? He said, who you show kindness to doesn’t matter. David did not say, “let’s see who that person is then I show kindness to him.” He did not even know the person, late alone if he/she even existed. Instead he said, “ Is there ANYONE..?” meaning he didn’t care who and what they look like. God says, that should be your heart – ANYONE! Anyone should be a recipient of your kindness. It doesn’t matter whether they have, or what they do not have, what they look like or what they do not look like. What you should put in mind is that your have to show kindness to anyone and He who sees what the intention of your heart is will look on you with favour. God is saying, no, you cannot change the world alone, but one ACT of RANDOM KINDNESS – ARK, will go a long way.

Moreover, kindness is part of the fruit of the Spirit and as a child of God, you have to grow in this area and be kind to ANYONE.

David asked, “Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness...?" 2 Samuel 9:1

Now why ARK? Imagine, every God-driven, purposeful Christian pursues this attribute, to show kindness to anyone. Do you know how many lives would be touched by the love of God? And it’s random, so I sat there now thinking, how random? Well, like the word – random as it can be. I took a walk that evening, and I passed by a man, I think he was fixing something in his car, his bonnet was open and immediately I passed, I felt a tag on my heart, THAT IS RANDOM! YOU SHOULD HAVE ASKED IF HE NEEDED HELP. I was like mmmmmmm. immediately, I passed a by a woman, she looked like she was resting from what looked like she was carrying, I could see the plastic bags on the ground from a short distance, I started telling myself, she doesn’t need help, surely she doesn’t want to be disturbed by me, I mean look at her… when I passed by her, God in my spirit reminded me, you have just passed up another opportunity to show kindness. This time I was just sad. God said, you did need to figure out who you may show kindness to, just avail yourself, say, is there anyone…? And I will show you.

Kindness is just, one ACT of RANDOM, KINDNESS. So from that day I have been asking within me and I pray you do too… is there anyone…?

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